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Background Size

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:33 pm
by CanadianGamer
I've looked around the forums and google for two days now trying to find out how to tell how big or small of a picture I should draw in gimp for my game. Does anyone know what the relation is from the screen size that you set in conf.lua to the pixel size you make in gimp?

ps: I'm very sorry if this is in the wrong thread I am new to this forum and I am not quite sure how everything is supposed to be.

Re: Background Size

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:02 pm
by baconhawka7x
This should be in the Support and Development section of the forums. But it's alright! We were all new once lol.

The measurements of the window size in your conf.lua file are in pixels. So while you are in gimp, when you create a new image, you should see a button that says "inches" (or "in") or some sort of increment. You want to click that and change it to pixels. Then you can just enter the same exact dimensions as you put in your conf file and you're set!

Re: Background Size

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:17 pm
by CanadianGamer
Thanks. And next time I'll post in the other thread.