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Newb needs help with love 2d coding

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:29 am
by this_is_VALHALLA
So i am new to coding, i know enough about lua to have already made a text based adventure, however i want to make this with images and sounds. I however know next to nothing about the love 2d engine functions and how to incorporate them into my game. I just need a quick run through, or maybe a new friend who will be my tutor over skype. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Re: Newb needs help with love 2d coding

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:45 am
by NickRock
however i want to make this with images and sounds.
If you want to have images in your game you can use the function to load the image and inside love.draw you can use, x, y) to draw it.

For sounds there's for loading sounds and for playing it there's

Sonic2kk made some nice tutorials about loading/drawing images and sound effects

This is for graphics

This one is for audio

And this is the whole playlist ... kIVIxkPXM6

I hope I helped ya :awesome: