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Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:57 am
by Chevelle1995
Code: Select all
key = {}
function keyisdown(v)
for i=1, #key do if v == key[i] then return true else return false end end
function love.draw()
if keyisdown("a") then"a", 16, 16) end
if keyisdown("b") then"b", 16, 32) end
if keyisdown("a") and keyisdown("b") then"ab", 16, 48) end, 16, 64)
function love.update(dt)
function love.keypressed(k, u)
key[#key+1] = k
function love.keyreleased(k, u)
for i=1, #key do if k == key[i] then table.remove(key, i) end end
I wrote this in one of my projects just now and it didn't work, so I rewrote it in a new program so that I could check if it was the code itself or if something else I wrote was messing it up, and since, this code alone isn't working, I'd say the problem is somewhere in here. Now I, personally don't see any reason why this doesn't work, so it'd be much appreciated if someone with greater knowledge of love/lua could assist me. The goal of this code is to be able to have multiple keys pressed at once and each one doing a different thing, and in this code for simplicity, when I press 'a' on my keyboard I want "a" printed on my screen, and "b" printed when I press 'b' and when both keys 'a' and 'b' are pressed I should see "a" "b" and "ab" printed. This works when keys are pressed separately so "a" prints when 'a' is pressed and "b" prints when 'b' is pressed, but never are all "a" "b" and "ab" printed at the same time. I don't know why this doesn't work for me, so if there's a problem I don't see or there's a better more logical way to approach this, again it'd be much appreciated for the help.
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:24 am
by zorg
A simple question, why don't you use [wiki]love.keyboard.isDown[/wiki] instead of writing your own?
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:26 am
by ivan
Hello. I think there are easier/simpler ways to accomplish what you're going for.
For example:
Code: Select all
function love.keyboard.areDown(k1, k2, ...)
if not love.keyboard.isDown(k1) then
return false
if k2 then
return love.keyboard.areDown(k2, ...)
return true
Code: Select all
if love.keyboard.areDown('a', 'b') then
Note that this function tries to returns false as soon as possible, rather than checking every supplied key.
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:33 am
by pielago
?? like how??
Code: Select all
function love.load(),50,50)
pressing both at same time???
Code: Select all
function love.draw()
local down =love.keyboard.isDown
if down("a") and down("s") then,200,200)
elseif down("a") then,200,0)
elseif down("s") then,0,200)
love.keyboard.areDown(k1, k2, ...)
how does that one works?
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:49 am
by ivan
how does that one works?
You have to test it, but it should return true when all of the supplied keys are pressed at the same time:
Code: Select all
if love.keyboard.areDown("a", "s") then,200,200)
and you can supply more than two keys:
Code: Select all
if love.keyboard.areDown("a", "s", "w", "d") then
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:51 pm
by Ortimh
Maybe this one as alternative?
Code: Select all
function love.keyboard.areDown(...)
for index, key in pairs({...}) do
if (not love.keyboard.isDown(key)) then
return false
return true
Basically it does the same as
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:09 pm
by pielago
you know I Actually never understood the (...)
Code: Select all
function love.keyboard.areDown(...)
for index, key in pairs({...}) do
if (not love.keyboard.isDown(key)) then
return false
return true
but anyways.
I made mine as simple as possible under the update will it fail?
I mean all he wants its both at same time.. Right?
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:20 am
by Positive07
ivan wrote:-snip-
I have an alternative too
Code: Select all
love.keyboard.areDown = love.keyboard.isDown
Wiki wrote:
Code: Select all
anyDown = love.keyboard.isDown( key1, key2, key3, ... )
KeyConstant keyN = A key to check.
boolean anyDown = True if any supplied key is down, false if not.
Here is the page!
EDIT: Oh! I just noticed you want the oposite effect, true if all keys are down... Then yeah I would do something like:
Code: Select all
love.keyboard.areDown = function (...)
for i=1, select("#",...) do
if not love.keyboard.isDown(select(i,...)) then return false end
return true
A for loop is way faster than recursion in LuaJIT, select is really optimized too, we don't create tables here so less memory consumption, and pairs is slow and has got erratic behavior
Any way this is just optimization (The root of all evil)
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:11 am
by ivan
Positive07 wrote:A for loop is way faster than recursion in LuaJIT, select is really optimized too,
Hi. Really? Recursion is usually faster than 'select' in my experience at least with non-JIT lua.
In the worst case scenario, you have to call 'select' for each argument.
we don't create tables here so less memory consumption, and pairs is slow and has got erratic behavior
Creating an intermediate table is fast too. In fact for a large number of args, it may be significantly faster than recursion/select.
But ya, the slowdown with '{ ... }' is probably delayed until the GC step.
In any case, it seems that functions accepting a variable number of arguments are more about convenience than speed.
Re: Multiple key press function thing not working
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:37 am
by Positive07
ivan wrote:Positive07 wrote:A for loop is way faster than recursion in LuaJIT, select is really optimized too,
Hi. Really? Recursion is usually faster than 'select' in my experience at least with non-JIT lua.
In the worst case scenario, you have to call 'select' for each argument.
we don't create tables here so less memory consumption, and pairs is slow and has got erratic behavior
Creating an intermediate table is fast too. In fact for a large number of args, it may be significantly faster than recursion/select.
But ya, the slowdown with '{ ... }' is probably delayed until the GC step.
In any case, it seems that functions accepting a variable number of arguments are more about convenience than speed.
1- Yeah, for loops are really optimized in JIT and LPGhatguy (I think it was him or Shakesoda) run some tests on this and it gets really optimized because select("#",...) is turned into a number, and then the loop becomes a simple loop so there is a lot of speed up there.
2- Well that doesnt apply to JIT it seems, you should be really careful with creating tables, they allocate a bunch of memory, and they take some time to be destroyed by the GC, so as you said, the slowdown appears there... Plus there is an uncertainity on the number of arguments so Lua (in general) has to check each argument before adding it to the table... pretty pointless because all indexes are numerical... but Lua doesnt know that just yet!
Ugh optimization is such an ugly thing hahaha