this I kind of get it.
all I do its count the x 32 and the y 32 ! ( 32x32 rectangle)
--no clue whats an offset? or border--
Code: Select all
-- frame, image, offsets, border
g32 = anim8.newGrid(32,32, 1024,768, 3,3, 1)
spinning = {
anim8.newAnimation(g32('1-8',1), 0.8),
anim8.newAnimation(g32(18,'8-11', 18,'10-7'), 0.8),
didnt come close to the image area.. they are not 32x32 but 64x64 ?
Worst I see more images with different sizes how does anim8 read them???
Code: Select all
-- frame, image, offsets, border
g64 = anim8.newGrid(64,64, 1024,768, 299,101, 2)
plane = anim8.newAnimation(g64(1,'1-3'), 0.1)
seaplane = anim8.newAnimation(g64('2-4',3), 0.1)
or HOW does it works?