objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

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objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by piller187 »

So I use a spritebatch for my tiles. I have a ground layer, object layer, and foreground layer. The ground layer and object layer use 1 spritebatch that uses 1 tilesheet of scenery tiles. The object layer is for actors and obviously use a different tilesheet. The drawing order is ground, object, foreground. So if I have 1 spritebatch for the scenery and 1 for the actors I don't see how can I get this draw order?
Joe Black
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Re: objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by Joe Black »

"Sprites are drawn in the order they are added." It is the only order you have, I don't think it is possible to change it. Has you use many tile I don't see many solution :

- use a series of spritebatch for each layer.

It is the way I do. So I call for each object object.draw that had the tile into the spritebatch of its layer. and then I draw spritebatch in the right order.

I don't think it is critical, it only multiply the number of spritebatch by the number of layer. Also tile can be different between layers so it is less than that.

I hope it helps you.
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Re: objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by piller187 »

Thanks for the reply. I was thinking about this but since the ground layer and foreground layer use the same image I wonder if that image is sent and stored on the gfx card twice when creating 2 spritebatches or does love know this is what is happening and it's shared? Seems like it would be a waste of memory on the video card to have the same image stored twice. Do you know if this is what is happening when you do this? This seems like it could negate some of the benefits of spritebatches so I thought there must be another way but maybe there isn't.
Joe Black
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Re: objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by Joe Black »

I thought there was a waste of memory but I made a program that seem to show the opposite.

I set the image of the spritebatch and then I shift the filter of the image.
it result in changing the filter of the image of the spritebatch

So I think the spritebatch have a pointer to the image and so making two spritebatch doesn't copy the image twice.
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Re: objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by piller187 »

What do you mean you "shift the filter of the image"? I don't understand what that means (sorry I'm new to Love).
Joe Black
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Re: objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by Joe Black »

I make image:setFilter("nearest) when I press "n" and image:setFilter("linear") when I press "l"

you can take a look at the code by unzip the .love file

Code: Select all

  1 function love.load()
  2         image=love.graphics.newImage("character.png")
  3         sb=love.graphics.newSpriteBatch(image)
  4         sb:add(100,0,0,10,10)
  5 end
  7 function love.draw()
  8         love.graphics.draw(image,0,0,0,10,10)
  9         love.graphics.draw(sb,0,0)
 10         love.graphics.print("press l or n")
 11 end
 13 function love.keypressed(key)
 14         if key == "escape" then
 15                 love.event.quit()
 16         elseif key == "l" then
 17                 image:setFilter("linear")
 18         elseif key == "n" then
 19                 image:setFilter("nearest")
 20         end
 21 end
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Re: objects in tilemap that uses spritebatch

Post by piller187 »

Oh, so you are saying you notice that all batches reflect this change to the 1 image they share so it must be a pointer to the 1 image. I see. Thanks for your help!
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