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Tilted platforms in a platformer? [love.physics]

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:41 am
by IndieLöver

I'm making a platformer with a few of my friends (3 artists), and from an artistic standpoint it would be awesome to have tilted platforms (collapsed pillars, hills and whatnot). There will be a throwing mechanic and some physics puzzles, that's why I decided to give love.physics a shot. However, this seems to be trickier than I thought, though.

So, as it currently is, player cannot climb up a hill without jumping constantly, which is silly. And I know, I haven't even set any physics callbacks or a restriction to jumping only on ground, but I only started yesterday. This is a school project and we have 3 weeks time to have *something* finished and playable. The prototype doesn't yet have my friends' art in it, but I can assure you, when the game does, it'll look gorgeus!

Do you have any solutions to this problem? Or any feedback on what I'm doing wrong? (I know, the tiles' code will move to something like level.lua later, I just dumbed the code there for the time being.)

Here's some .love for you!
(5.94 KiB) Downloaded 117 times
Thanks in advance! :awesome: