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Nerd Age - My first love game

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:07 pm
by Bindie

Love file:
Exe file & game folder:

-- Both .love and .exe are updated with new versions, no crash bugs.


Game instructions:

- Press "F1" for in-game help, here all controller help is found:

1. 'W' 'A' 'S' 'D' - Controllers
2. 'Left-Shift' - Hold to run
3. 'Space' - Activate items
4. '1' - Toggle laser-rifle
5. '2' - Toggle weld-gun - Repairs destroyed tiles
6. '3' - If on planet, scan it for ''planet info'' (Stored in PDA) such as presence of oxygen, temperature & radiation
7. 'Up arrow key'/'Down arrow key' In- or decrease throttle while at the ship throttle console
8. - 'Left mouse click' - In 'Star map' choose destinations
9. 'P' - PDA (For different info) use up, down, return and backspace for navigation
10. 'Esc' Exit game
- Star map:

To travel, simply click on the desired location's name. If you want to use the throttle manually, click anywhere on the star-map making destination go away. Then you're in free space travel mode.

- To get a mission:

Go to a station, there's an npc which you can 'talk' to using 'space'. When you have a mission, in your PDA you will find specifics. ;)
Development & background:

So, In some months beside school-work and such I have been developing this little game. Now I have reached the first milestone with basic features such as:
- Missions are doable
- Npc's and monsters are added
- Combat is possible
- Winning the game is possible
- Most important of all space travel is possible
- And much much more small stuff, just press "F1" for in-game help.

Since there is much tech in this game I'm deciding to name it Nerd Age.

Constructive criticism are welcome and feedback in general.

Future features (;D) that are planned if I'm to reach future milestones are:

Nice to have:
- Space trade & cargo loading.
- Spontaneous asteroid showers damaging your ship.
- More general missions from soldiers, professors and buisnessmen as well as other 'Star-missions'.
- Npc movement.
- Scenery on planets.
- Implenting *dt still retaining same 'feel' to actions.

Would be nice to have, not as important:
- More monsters.
- Laser rifle upgrades for money.
- Armour upgrades for money, for more resistance towards heat/cold, radiation and oxygen capacity.
- Drone usage on planets to explore more efficiently.
- Hunger & Energy levels.
- Ship upgrades (Wall health, oxygen replenishing, perhaps velocity)
- Being able to play dice and gamble in station bars
- Player death image.

And so on...

Thanks for your time and advice on the forum,


Re: My first love game

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:40 pm
by qubodup
Impressive! It seems not winnable though and I seem to have found a bug (see end).

It'd be nice to have backdrops for text and information what the different consoles do.

Not sure if it's possible to gen new ammo or how I lost my gun in the first place. Not sure if there's anything to do on planets besides shooting creatures. I used the .love.

Re: My first love game - A space game

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:05 pm
by MadByte
This looks super promising, great job.
I totally agree with your "nice to have list". Space trading and such would be awesome.

I noticed that the text at the bottom of the screen is barely visible . You could draw a rectangle or a sprite under it to make sure that it is always visible.

Also I cant figure out how to trottle up :D w and s down work, arrowkeys up and down dont work. I could use some kind of instruction on how to play the game.

And I noticed a bug which causes that the player isn't visible when moving backwards without the suit on.

Besides from that, it's a really neat little game. In particular for a "first game" .

Re: My first love game

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:14 pm
by Bindie
qubodup wrote:Impressive! It seems not winnable though and I seem to have found a bug (see end).

It'd be nice to have backdrops for text and information what the different consoles do.

Not sure if it's possible to gen new ammo or how I lost my gun in the first place. Not sure if there's anything to do on planets besides shooting creatures. I used the .love.
You're right, I fixed that bug.

I loved seeing you play my game. Made me totally aware of that I must implement more information of how to use the consoles. When you lost your gun, did you press "1" again and was it still not there? Super criticism, thanks!

Sure, go to a station and try to find someone to talk to. :)

The .love file is updated and -loaded, no more dialouge bugs.

Re: My first love game - A space game

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:16 pm
by Bindie
MadByte wrote:This looks super promising, great job.
I totally agree with your "nice to have list". Space trading and such would be awesome.

I noticed that the text at the bottom of the screen is barely visible . You could draw a rectangle or a sprite under it to make sure that it is always visible.

Also I cant figure out how to trottle up :D w and s down work, arrowkeys up and down dont work. I could use some kind of instruction on how to play the game.

And I noticed a bug which causes that the player isn't visible when moving backwards without the suit on.

Besides from that, it's a really neat little game. In particular for a "first game" .

You're totally right, adding a little instruction first post above. I'll add more documentation. I'll add backdrop for the bottom text so it's visible. Fun!

Edit: I have now added background for all text, so it's visible.