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LD games made in Löve that you should not miss!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:01 pm
by Jeeper

I have spent the last couple of days searching for Löve games made for Ludum Dare 32 and I have to say that I am very impressed with all of the great games that this community has managed to produce. At first this list was a "top 10 games made in Löve", but it just became too difficult to decide as there are so many great entries, so now I will just try to cover them all.

I came up with the idea from SiENcE's post on the official LD32 thread. But since I do not know how to use the Löve-Blogg, I figured that this would do.

A few things before I get started; The games are not displayed in any particular order. It is not my intention to compare the games, simply to draw attention to a few games that I found extra awesome. The games are both from the Jam version and the Compo version, for more information about Ludum Dare, its rules and more, check out their official website!

With no further ado, I give you "games made in Löve for Ludum Dare #32, that you should not miss"!

  • Name: Compassion
  • Created by: masterboth
  • Jam / Compo: Compo
  • Link: Click
Compassion is a short, narrative driven game where you play as a cat(s) with a rose. One of the things that makes this game stand out is its gorgeous art style. It is a touching story that does a great job at showing that games can convey a message very well. The game does not take more than a few minutes to complete, so you have no excuse not to try it out

  • Name: N.O.D.E.
  • Created by: SimonLarsen
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
N.O.D.E. is an awesome game with a very interesting mechanic. A top down shooter where you play as a girl with the ability to link enemies together in order to pull them into each other and ultimately destroy them. Apart from the very innovative main ability you are also able to fight normally as well as dashing. The graphics are very solid and nice and the game has a lot of content to plow through. It is very addictive to try to destroy as many enemies at the same time with a single link attack.

  • Name: Decipher Quest
  • Created by: SiENcE
  • Jam / Compo: Compo
  • Link: Click
Decipher Quest is a humorous puzzle game where you play as a robot named Fred who is tasked with the very important quest of deciphering an alien language to save his home planet. It took me a lot of time before I figured the "code", time that was spent failing and letting down millions of fellow robots. The graphics are very well made and the game is presented nicely, for a Compo game there is an extraordinary amount of polish. Are you up for the challenge?

  • Name: Eyebrella
  • Created by: adnzzzzZ
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
A very innovative game where you play as an umbrella who has to protect it's owner (who has unfortunately fallen asleep) from an army of evil frogs. With great pixel art and amazing effects, this game looks very nice. The gameplay is also quite unique and interesting. One of the best things with the game is the "juiciness" or player feedback.

  • Name: Chroma Watcher
  • Created by: Drauthius
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
Chroma Watcher is a game where you play as a snail who is wielding a "Special purpose gun" that has the abillity to neutralize radioactive floating shapes. The trick is that you need to select the right color, or more often than not, color combination in order to destroy the enemy. Apart from that you also have to keep jumping in order to not fall down and die. This may sound easy, but trust me, it is extremely difficult, at least if you are not a artist who knows how to mix colors by hearth and have trouble with multitasking. But it is very rewarding when you start picking it up. The visuals are very pleasant and the game has nice effects and particle systems.

  • Name: Dino Bros
  • Created by: josefnpat
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
Dino Bros is a "Beat em up" game where you play as a butterknife wielding dinosaur who has had it with all the evil breads that roam the world. While playing this game I had a huge grin on my face, the animations are so goofy and the concept is so silly, it was just very fun to play. The game looks and feel very nice and has great audio, especially nice voice acting that adds a lot of character to the game. The core concept of the game is quite straight forward, kill... all... bread.

  • Name: Not My Panties!
  • Created by: Karai17
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
This game deserves some extra attention as it is the only 3d game in this Jam that was made with Löve. It is very impressive to see how well it runs and I am personally excited for the release of the 3d extension that Karai17 has been working on. The game it self is a turn based combat game, the premise of the game is... uhm... quite unique (You get some hints from the title), it is best explained by the description on the LD page. Another cool thing is the voice acting, it is always fun when games have that and in this case it was done very well.

  • Name: Operation H.A.N.D.s
  • Created by: The Capitalist Crayfish
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
One of my personal favourites is Operation H.A.N.D.s, simply because it has quite possibly the most innovative controls that I have encountered this gameJam. You control a giant floating hand-spaceship that has the ability to shoot projectiles from it's fingers and thumb. You do this by pressing Q-W-E-R-SPACE, as you hold your hand on the keyboard with your pinkey on Q and thumb on space, each of your fingers/thumb controls the corresponding finger/thumb in the game. It is a super neat idea and executed very well. The graphics are solid and there are nice effects and particles to make the game feel even more polished.

  • Name: Yum Kaax Relic
  • Created by: VividReality
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
A top down explorer game "ala indiana jones". Yum Kaax Relic has a great opening sequence with a monkey that steals your sword, it was scripted really well and caught me off guard, leaving me in laughter. The game has a lot of content, extremely much when you consider that it was made in 72hours and somehow the game manages to have great quality on top of the quantity. There are a lot of "puzzle" solving, mainly revolving around different ways to kill a raging super bear. Graphics and the whole packing reminds me a lot of games from the snes era, a great compliment in my eyes.

  • Name: Curved Curse
  • Created by: S0lll0s
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
A visually stunning top down game with a very unique twist. You have to "wallbang"/"haxx" enemies in order to kill them. In other words, you have to shoot through terrain/walls, a tactic used commonly in fps games like Counter Strike. It works surprisingly well and is very addictive. The game has a great visual and atmosphere with a nice lighting system.

  • Name: An Unconventional Boat
  • Created by: zell2002
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
Your mission is to navigate a damaged boat with the help of your good old trusted compass, through a beautiful ocean and hopefully reach land safely. The problem is that your ship is sinking and you need to keep hopping from boat to boat in order to make it. The boat handles very well and the concept is very entertaining, but the thing that sets this game apart from most other Ludum Dare games, is it's stunning visuals. Both the ships, the ocean and all of the particle effects and clouds make this game look very pretty, in fact it is one of the best visually looking games in LD#32.

  • Name: Sweetest Dreams
  • Created by: chipcaramel
  • Jam / Compo: Jam
  • Link: Click
You play as Cody the skunk, who went to bed only to find himself lost when he wakes up. In this lovley platformer game you run around beating skeletons and other evil creatures with your handbag. Controls are very nice and the game has a very nice atmosphere, a lot thanks to the nice pixel art and mysterious music. It is a very solid entry with very few flaws and an impressive amount of work put into it.

  • Name: GlowingSnail
  • Created by: chipcaramel
  • Jam / Compo: Compo
  • Link: Click
Another great game, you play as a fish who tries to survive an ocean of dangers. The swimming is really well done, movement is something that takes a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning to get right, and therefor is rare in gamejams. Another highlight of the game is it's sound effects, they are really well done and contribute to the immersion. I also found it extremely fun that you can bait the enemies to kill each other, I spent most of my time trying to do that.

Final words
As you can see, it was very easy for me to find amazing games, all made with Löve, simply because there are SO MANY great entries. I hope that you found this list helpful and that it will bring more attention to some very well made games that totally deserve all the exposure they can get. If you found another great Löve game that did not make it into my list, post about it, I have not been able to see and test all Löve games so I have almost certainly missed some hidden gems. Also let me know what you think of the games that I wrote about, which is your favorite?

Re: LD games made in Löve that you should not miss! 5/5 Rate

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:50 pm
by jjmafiae
Thanks for making this list, makes it easier to find all the entries.

Re: LD games made in Löve that you should not miss! 5/5 Rate

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:18 pm
by SiENcE
@Jeeper You are great. Your short roundups are very nice to read. Many thanks!

I have to play them all... :awesome:

Re: LD games made in Löve that you should not miss! 5/5 Rate

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:19 pm
by SimonLarsen
Here is another handy list:

Re: LD games made in Löve that you should not miss! 5/5 Rate

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:10 am
by zwzsg
Edit: Woot, thanks! :awesome:

Re: LD games made in Löve that you should not miss! 5/5 Rate

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:28 am
by Jeeper
zwzsg wrote:I can only guess my entry was deemed not worthy. :?
I remember that game, I found it awesome. There are just so many great games made this time around that it is impossible to cover all of them. But I believe I did rate and comment you game at least. None the less I enjoyed it and have added it to the list! It was one of the first games I played from this gameJam (I believe I have played a bit over 80 or so by now), that's the reason I forgot about it :)

I have already gone over the original plan of listing 10 games (13 as of this post, my original plan was 5, hah.), so I am just going to cover all Löve games that I can get my hands on. This may take me a bit of time and some games are a bit hard to find. If I have missed your game please let me know and I will add it to the list.

Re: LD games made in Löve that you should not miss!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:20 pm
by VividReality
Thanks for adding my game to your list :) I appreciate it!