What is LöveFTW?
LöveFTW (short for "Löve For The Windows", clever right?) is a port of Löve to Windows Apps (currently Universal 8.1 Apps), allowing you to target both Windows 8.1 (as a "Metro" app) and Windows Phone 8.1.
What kind of release is this?
The current release is a preview release. There are some known issues, and it hasn't been tested very much yet. Your help with testing is highly appreciated! It does run, fairly well too (well, it's a little slow on WP, but usable, and it should be possible to improve). If you want to target Windows 8.1 Metro and/or Windows Phone, you can absolutely already try it, and most things will probably work (Hat Cat is, for example, fully playable on my Lumia 920).
Where can I get it?
Here! The bitbucket page contains instructions for setting it up and running as well. If anything is unclear, let me know!
Pics or it didn't happen!

How was this implemented?
It's based on love-mobile-common, and has very few changes to the Löve source code. The main challange getting where the project is now has been to get all Löve's dependencies to play nice with WinRT's limitations. In other words, not much "writing code" but very much "messing in Visual Studio to get stuff to compile"

Q: We're a big software company and this project really impressed us! It's come to our attention that you're about to graduate as a software engineer soon. Do you want to work for us?
A: I'll think about it.