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Fail to build VS project with CMake

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:14 am
by T-Bone
I think I've followed the instructions on very accurately, I have the following setup:

* Windows 8.1 64-bit
* Visual Studio 2013
* DirectX SDK
* CMake 2.8.11
* The megasource source code in a folder, with löve's source code in libs/love

Running the command "cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" -H. -Bbuild" give the following output (see attachment)

I have literally no experience of CMake, so any help from someone who does would be very nice :)

Also, if somebody have an already build Visual Studio project of Löve (doesn't have to be the latest version), that would help just as much.

If there's any information about my setup I didn't include that might be relevant, just ask.

Re: Fail to build VS project with CMake

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:25 pm
by slime
The megasource readme hasn't been updated yet, but in the cmake -G line you should use "Visual Studio 12" instead of "Visual Studio 11" (since love on windows requires Visual Studio 2013, a.k.a. Visual Studio 12.)

Re: Fail to build VS project with CMake

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:45 pm
by T-Bone
Yes, that's it! Thanks a lot!

Also, in case somebody wants to update the instructions, that somebody should also add that you need a more modern version of CMake which has support for Visual Studio 12. I tried the latest CMakeMS version, and it worked just fine.

Also, I want to mention that while CMake does manage to build a Visual Studio solution, the solution doesn't actually build Löve; it gets three linker errors. I'll put up an issue when I have time.