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Lua Style
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:00 pm
by Bindie
Hey! I guess this is a personal question, lately I have read about lua styles, CamelCase and such.
This is my way:
Code: Select all
-- Some code
local FirstVariable = 5
local SecondVariable = 5
for x == 0, FirstVariable do
for y == 0, SecondVariable do
if x == 3 and y == 2 then
Curious, how do you prefer indents and cases? Tidy is nice.
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:05 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:16 pm
by undef
I pad braces of functions with spaces, I also pad blocks with spaces when I put them in the same line.
Code: Select all
function hello( name ) return "hello, " .. name end
I also like to pad stuff with spaces when it improves readability:
Code: Select all "fill", x, y, width, height ) "fill", x + width, y, width, height ) "fill", x + 2*width, y, width, height )
This way it is easier to see that it's actually three times the same rectangle next to each other than with this code:
Code: Select all "fill", x, y, width, height ) "fill", x + width, y, width, height ) "fill", x + 2*width, y, width, height )
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:57 pm
by T-Bone
I try to avoid camel case, I find it hard to read. I'd rather add an underscore if necessary.
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:26 pm
by Jasoco
I have a problem letting go of camelCase and underscores. (And never capitalize the first letter of a variable or function) I keep mixing both of them with lowercase for different variables and if it weren't for Sublime Text telling me what I've already typed I'd probably have forced myself into one or the other by now. I'd want to do all lowercase just because that's how Löve's callbacks are named. (keypressed) But then Löve's functions are camelCase. (setBackgroundColor) So I don't know what to use. I should probably standardize before I get too far.
I also like to use tabs or spaces to make some lines of code match up for easy reading if the subsequent lines are similar. Like this behavior callback I created for my Spark enemy to move around a wall:
Code: Select all
-- Causes entity to move along the edge of a wall using the "gridTileSolid" table to determine which tiles are solid.
-- "moving" determines direction. 1 = Clockwise, -1 = Counter-clockwise
function behavior.followWall(self, dt, moving)
moving = moving or 1
if self.isDead or self.dying then return end
local dir = self.movingDirection
if dir == 0 then dir, self.movingDirection = 1, 1 end
if dir == 1 then self.vx, self.vy = -self.speed, 0 -- LEFT
elseif dir == 2 then self.vx, self.vy = 0, -self.speed -- UP
elseif dir == 3 then self.vx, self.vy = self.speed, 0 -- RIGHT
elseif dir == 4 then self.vx, self.vy = 0, self.speed -- DOWN
self.distanceMoved = self.distanceMoved + self.speed * dt
local future_x = self.x + self.vx * dt
local future_y = self.y + self.vy * dt
if self.distanceMoved > TILESIZE then
self.distanceMoved = 0
if dir == 1 then future_x = math.floor(self.x / TILESIZE) * TILESIZE
elseif dir == 3 then future_x = math.ceil(self.x / TILESIZE) * TILESIZE
elseif dir == 2 then future_y = math.floor(self.y / TILESIZE) * TILESIZE
elseif dir == 4 then future_y = math.ceil(self.y / TILESIZE) * TILESIZE
local b = behavior.returnBlockArea(future_x / TILESIZE, future_y / TILESIZE)
local tl, tc, tr = b[1][1], b[2][1], b[3][1]
local cl, cc, cr = b[1][2], b[2][2], b[3][2]
local bl, bc, br = b[1][3], b[2][3], b[3][3]
if self.moving == 1 then -- Clockwise
if dir == 1 then if not tc then self.movingDirection = 2
elseif tc and cl and not bc then self.movingDirection = 4
elseif tc and cl and bc then self.movingDirection = 3
elseif dir == 2 then if not cr then self.movingDirection = 3
elseif cr and tc and not cl then self.movingDirection = 1
elseif cl and tc and cr then self.movingDirection = 4
elseif dir == 3 then if not bc then self.movingDirection = 4
elseif bc and cr and not tc then self.movingDirection = 2
elseif tc and cr and bc then self.movingDirection = 1
elseif dir == 4 then if not cl then self.movingDirection = 1
elseif cl and bc and not cr then self.movingDirection = 3
elseif cl and bc and cr then self.movingDirection = 2
else -- Counter-Clockwise
if dir == 1 then if not bc then self.movingDirection = 4
elseif bc and cl and not tc then self.movingDirection = 2
elseif bc and cl and tc then self.movingDirection = 3
elseif dir == 2 then if not cl then self.movingDirection = 1
elseif cl and tc and not cr then self.movingDirection = 3
elseif cl and tc and cr then self.movingDirection = 4
elseif dir == 3 then if not tc then self.movingDirection = 2
elseif tc and cr and not bc then self.movingDirection = 4
elseif tc and cr and bc then self.movingDirection = 1
elseif dir == 4 then if not cr then self.movingDirection = 3
elseif cr and bc and not cl then self.movingDirection = 1
elseif cl and bc and cr then self.movingDirection = 2
self.x, self.y = future_x, future_y
gameLevel.collisionMap:add(self, self.x + 2, self.y + 2, self.w, self.h)
(For some reason a single line above does not line up in the forum code tags. But it looks right in Sublime.)
I also place underscores before variables that I will need to name properly but only use as a throwaway. Not sure why. (Nothing to do with using just an underscore for returned variables you're not going to use. I also do that. Very smart.)
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:27 pm
by Azhukar
Using spaces for indentation is objectively wrong.
I also use camelCase for clearly superior readability.
And I always write conditions in brackets.
Code: Select all
if (true) then
__newindex = function(self,k,v)
print("New global variable '"..tostring(k).."'")
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:24 pm
by Bindie
Curious, do you write conditions to code easier in C++, to make it familiar?
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:43 am
by Jasoco
Tabs for life. I hate using spaces. I need tabs. And I need 4 spaces per tab. (I used to use 2 spaces per tab but switched back to 4 as it's more standard.)
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:55 am
by arampl
Recently tried to use tab = 3 spaces instead of "classical" tab = 4 spaces and found it more appropriate for me.
Re: Lua Style
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:56 am
by s-ol
Jasoco wrote:Tabs for life. I hate using spaces. I need tabs. And I need 4 spaces per tab. (I used to use 2 spaces per tab but switched back to 4 as it's more standard.)
As long as your ide handles spaces like soft tabs (hit delete once to unindent twice etc) it does't really matter IMO. I use spaces simply because they work across editors etc, my well formatted code is screwed up when the github editor previews Using 8 spaces (waaaay too much) and people who might contribute probably have a different setting aswell.