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My Blog
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:54 pm
by roggie
So for a while I've been working on a social blogging site. I've used it for a game development blog and I've coded it with all of the features that a good blog should have. There are a few features that I need to add to it but it's basically completed. If there are any features that you would like to see on it just leave your suggestion in a comment and I'll consider adding it. I am planning to add a game upload feature so that you can post your games onto the site. There will also be a video uploading feature so that you can share trailers for your games. When I add the game upload feature you'll be able to set either a fixed price or a let the user decide what they want to pay.
Heres the link:
My profile is:
Re: My Blog
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:38 pm
by WatsUp Studios
Hi, I made an account. Your site is awesome. I am going to use it as a development blog. I particularly like the widgets that you have made. It's awesome because I can put it on my site and people can see my posts. It saved me the trouble of developing my own blog
Add me, I'm
Re: My Blog
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:41 pm
by WatsUp Studios
Is it spelt urnet or ur-net?
Re: My Blog
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:43 pm
by roggie
WatsUp Studios wrote:Is it spelt urnet or ur-net?
It's spelled Ur-Net. It's kind of 2 words stuck together but it didn't look right so I stuck a "-" in between the 2 words.
Re: My Blog
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:51 pm
by T-Bone
The website renders a bit strangely on Windows Phone, like this:
I thought I should mention it since you probably don't have a Windows Phone to test it on.
Re: My Blog
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:26 pm
by roggie
T-Bone wrote:The website renders a bit strangely on Windows Phone, like this:
I thought I should mention it since you probably don't have a Windows Phone to test it on.
That happens on my 4" Samsung Galaxy S3 mini but on a nexus 6 it scales perfectly. I think it is to do with screen resolution. I'm coming up with a fix for that but thanx for the feedback.