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[Initial Release] Space Scavenger

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:40 am
by WetDesertRock
Heyo all,

I'll keep this brief because who like long winded things anyways?

Made a game with LOVE, Jumper, and Bump, as well as some other more utilitary libraries. The game is a space combat roguelike style of game, and was entered into the #7DRL. Because it was 7 days its jam quality code and I plan on improving and plan on continuing its development at a later point.


Anyways, more information here:

Re: [Initial Release] Space Scavenger

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:29 am
by Ranguna259
Your game looks cool, but the player slides to much in my opinion, I can't even control it right.