How Come Folders Can't Have a Dot in their Name?

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How Come Folders Can't Have a Dot in their Name?

Post by davisdude »

It seems non-trivial to implement:

Code: Select all

-- Replace '.' if using `require ''`
function require( inputPath ) -- or whatever it is
    local currentPath = ''
    local currentIndex = 0
    while #currentPath ~= #inputPath do
        local _, index, temp = inputPath:find( '(.-)%.', currentIndex )
        if love.filesystem.exists( currentPath .. temp ) then -- Allow for . in folder names
            currentPath = currentPath .. temp .. '/'
            currentIndex = index + 1
    return currentPath
So how come the .'s are overwritten by "/"?
Is this a Lua problem, or a LÖVE problem?

Edit: Uploaded .love example
(380 Bytes) Downloaded 78 times
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Re: How Come Folders Can't Have a Dot in their Name?

Post by szensk »

In the it's a Lua problem (require blindly replaces . with the system separator). The easiest solution, in Lua, is to use loadfile. I suspect it is not Love's fault because assert(love.filesystem.exists('Folder.with.dots/File.lua')) works perfectly fine, for instance.

Your example require function makes Love crash, on my PC. Personally, I'd just avoid `.`

Regardless of suggestions, I wrote a require function that works for the shown. I do not state its correctness. It doesn't handle errors. You'd probably want to use this as a loader rather than overriding require.

Code: Select all

require = function(path) 
  return assert(love.filesystem.load(path:gsub('%.([^%.]*)$', '/%1.lua')))()
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Re: How Come Folders Can't Have a Dot in their Name?

Post by undef »

This behaviour is normal in Lua:
The second searcher looks for a loader as a Lua library, using the path stored at package.path. A path is a sequence of templates separated by semicolons. For each template, the searcher will change each interrogation mark in the template by filename, which is the module name with each dot replaced by a "directory separator" (such as "/" in Unix); then it will try to open the resulting file name. So, for instance, if the Lua path is the string


the search for a Lua file for module foo will try to open the files ./foo.lua, ./, and /usr/local/foo/init.lua, in that order.
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Re: How Come Folders Can't Have a Dot in their Name?

Post by davisdude »

Good to know, thanks. :)
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