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ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:27 pm
by paulclinger
For those of you using ZeroBrane Studio, the new version (0.95) is out: This version added fuzzy search for Files, Symbols, API functions, and line numbers (all available through 'Search | Navigate' menu) and fixed the issues discussed in the earlier thread. The new functionality allows to type ";cursor" in the command bar (Ctrl-;) and get the list of all cursor-related Love2d API functions (along with their signatures and brief descriptions).

Thank you for your support and feedback! Give this new version a try and share how it works for you. Paul.

Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:02 am
by Muris
For some reason my antivirus doesn't like the exe installer. I am using windows 7 + free panda antivirus. It doesn't complain about the zip though.

Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:14 pm
by paulclinger
Muris wrote:For some reason my antivirus doesn't like the exe installer. I am using windows 7 + free panda antivirus. It doesn't complain about the zip though.
@Muris, I checked with virustotal and it reports 1/57, so it's likely to be a false positive. Does your antivirus complain about the previous installer (0.90) as well? They were generated and signed on the same machine. Paul.

Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:35 pm
by Grubby
Since I don't know of any other ZB forum I thought I'd ask this here. My problem may not be a big deal to some, but it gets on my nerves pretty quick. Is there a setting to fix or extend the indent guides on blank/empty lines? Notice the following:

ZB Indent Guides:
ZB_ig.png (7.4 KiB) Viewed 4942 times
SciTe Indent Guides:
SciTe_ig.png (6.66 KiB) Viewed 4942 times
Both SciTE and Notepad++ extend the indent guides just fine. Is there no way ZB can do the same?


Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:59 pm
by paulclinger
> Is there a setting to fix or extend the indent guides on blank/empty lines? Notice the following:

@Grubby, there is a setting for this, but it currently accepts only true/false values to enable/disable indent guides. I extended it to accept different values, which will allow you to configure the same behavior you see in Notepad++/SciTE by adding the following to the ZBS config:

editor.indentguide = wxstc.wxSTC_IV_LOOKBOTH

This setting will be available in the next version or in the master branch on github (after I push the changes later today). Thanks for bringing it up. In terms of best ways to ask questions, several ways to get in touch are listed here: Paul.

Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:29 pm
by paulclinger
@Grubby, I pushed the change to the repository that should enable this; you can get the updated version from the master branch (, or take the last commit and apply it to your current version (plus use the configuration setting from the previous message).

Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:35 am
by Grubby
paulclinger wrote:@Grubby, I pushed the change to the repository that should enable this; you can get the updated version from the master branch (, or take the last commit and apply it to your current version (plus use the configuration setting from the previous message).
Thanks Paul. Glad you decided to add this option. Now just a couple more rungs on the ladder to climb and ZB might just end up as my standard IDE for all things L2D related... 'cept maybe Gvim, but thats god.

However, I've no idea how git or github works. Last I checked I don't think the github software package even works with win XP. Come to think of it, I don't think the general git package for Windows is anywhere near what is available for the Linux side.

Unfortunately, I'm using WinXP and I hate to ask this, but what exact files do I need to make this update?. I added the config value and tried putting the newer 'editor.lua' in place but I'm getting an error at startup. No doubt I need more/other updated files to finish this right?

Anyway, thanks again.


One other thing. Anyone familiar with "boxes"? Linux folks would probably know this. Its where selected text is piped into boxes, modified, and then returned to the editor. As what? A box of some kind completely surrounds the text with full stretching and margin controls. Rather nifty to say the least. I know that Gvim and Geany provide a method to handle sending selected text to external programs. Can ZB do the same? Can ZB be made to do the same? Just wondering.

Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.95 is out

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:17 am
by paulclinger
Grubby wrote:However, I've no idea how git or github works. Last I checked I don't think the github software package even works with win XP. Come to think of it, I don't think the general git package for Windows is anywhere near what is available for the Linux side.
There are several ways. The simplest one in your situation is probably to get the archive and unzip it into a folder: ...

This will give your the current snapshot of the master branch, which you can run in exactly the same way as the installation you have now (and it will even use the same settings). Just make sure you copy plugins (if you installed any).

> Unfortunately, I'm using WinXP and I hate to ask this, but what exact files do I need to make this update?. I added the config value and tried putting the newer 'editor.lua' in place but I'm getting an error at startup. No doubt I need more/other updated files to finish this right?

Another way would be to simply use your current installation and only update the line that was changed in that commit: ... eb6fac11d2.

> One other thing. Anyone familiar with "boxes"? Linux folks would probably know this. Its where selected text is piped into boxes, modified, and then returned to the editor. As what? A box of some kind completely surrounds the text with full stretching and margin controls. Rather nifty to say the least. I know that Gvim and Geany provide a method to handle sending selected text to external programs. Can ZB do the same? Can ZB be made to do the same? Just wondering.

This is an interesting idea and is certainly possible; I just need to think of the best way to implement this.