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Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:39 am
by Manio
I've always wanted to make a game like Doom 1, Hexen, Quake, etc. I was just curious if there was anyway it would be possible in the engine, and what kind of difficulty I'd be looking at here.

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:30 am
by mongrol
Perfectly doable I reckon although you're not going to get much help from Love2d in terms of acceleration. Generally you'll be parsing a BSP tree, finding out texture is needed for the camera Y column you're on, finding out which column of the wall texture is needed at that point, obtaining the pixel data from the texture you've loaded then software drawing it.

Actually, now I think of it, once you find out the texture Y column needed you could crop it out the texture and scale it with love rendering. So you will get acceleration.

Sounds like a good exercise. I once wrote a wolf3d raycaster in Blitzbasic. It was 64x64, greyscaled and ran about 1 fps. :)

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:02 am
by adrix89
Why do people keep want to do 3D stuff in a 2d engine?

Use Unity or some other engine.

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:11 am
by Manio
adrix89 wrote:Why do people keep want to do 3D stuff in a 2d engine?

Use Unity or some other engine.
I wouldn't do anything 3D. It'd be the same style of gameplay, but with a visual style like this.


Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:05 am
by mongrol
adrix89 wrote:Why do people keep want to do 3D stuff in a 2d engine?

Use Unity or some other engine.
Doom and it'd ilk aren't 3d. Replicating the Doom renderer is an interesting exercise. Doing it in a 3d engine would defeat the purpose.

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:27 am
by josefnpat
I have been working on a raycasting library, but It's not really ready for use, but help is always welcome!

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:29 am
by Jasoco
adrix89 wrote:Why do people keep want to do 3D stuff in a 2d engine?

Use Unity or some other engine.
Because we can.

Because it's there.

Because it's a challenge.

And so on.

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:34 pm
by nfey
Because making a 3D game in a modern engine like Unity is exponentially more complicated, expensive and time-consuming

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:39 pm
by Jeeper
nfey wrote:Because making a 3D game in a modern engine like Unity is exponentially more complicated, expensive and time-consuming
Not quite sure I agree on that, if you want to make a fullscale "real" 3d game, doing it in löve rather than Unity would be a lot harder, take a lot longer and yield a lot worse results.

That being said, I find it very cool that people have been able to do 3d stuff in Löve and a lot of 2d games can benefit from having parts be in 3d. A good example being some of the things that Jasoco has linked.

Re: Would A Classic Doom Inspired Game Work In LOVE2D?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:06 pm
by Jasoco
Unity costs a lot to port to iOS, Android and other devices and consoles. And they charge you separately for each one. So unless you're a big studio or an Indie with a Kickstarter you're only going to get OS X and Windows ports. Plus you don't get all the good features either unless you spend even more money.

Unity is expensive if you want to do the good stuff.

Of course if you want real 3D for free there's always Java. But it's Java. And Java isn't Lua. It's much harder to understand how to do things without a lot of learning. (Maybe you can fly to Sweden and have Notch tutor you on how he does all his wonderful things so easily)