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Looking for a teammate for next weekends Ludum Dare Jam!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:25 pm
by IndieLöver

I've attended in a Ludum Dare once before, and this time around I would love to make a Jam entity with someone else. I can handle the code relatively good and I can manage game design, but I would really love to team up with someone a little bit better at graphics (pixel art?). I'm not *awful* at graphics, but I often have hard time keeping up a good quality over multiple sprites.

Me: Code, Gamedesign, Additional Graphics
You: Graphics, Gamedesign (It's our game after all), Additional Code (if you want I won't stop you ;) )

We'll be using Löve, obviously ;). Communication could be handled via Skype.
About myself: I'm a 16 years old boy from Finland and I've been doing small projects with Löve for a few years now. Ludum Dare is a good way of motivating myself to actually finish something. At Ludum Dare web page my nickname is AncientAvocado.

Interested? Post an answer or PM me if you're shy :awesome:


Re: Looking for a teammate for next weekends Ludum Dare Jam!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:01 pm
by MadByte
I'd like to join you here but unfortunately I don't have any spare time next weekend. :(
But if you want to develop another (non compo) game after Ludum Dare I'd help you out ;).

Re: Looking for a teammate for next weekends Ludum Dare Jam!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:02 pm
by IndieLöver
MadByte wrote:I'd like to join you here but unfortunately I don't have any spare time next weekend. :(
But if you want to develop another (non compo) game after Ludum Dare I'd help you out ;).
Well, I have one on-going project (shortly explained, a fighting game with segmented worms) that needs help with graphics. I've made some pretty ok worm sprites but the wallsets and environments I'm really struggling with. I'll work on it next week and I might make an early demo build. Then I'll give it for you to test, and if you know how to improve from it, I would welcome you to the team with open arms. Ok? :awesome: