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Release: SMöre Arena Fightering / SMOplus (72h)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:44 am
by s-ol
Hey everyone!
Here's v1.0 of our Indiesvspewdiepie entry, made in 72h including all assets.

<will insert Screenshots etc when I'm home>

Check it out here: ... ing/39185/

Libraries used: hump, quickie, flux, bump.lua and lume
- thanks vrld, rxi and kikito!

It would be really cool if you could rate the game :O

Re: Release: SMöre Arena Fightering / SMOplus (72h)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:13 am
by drunken_thor
The controls feel really good not too floaty. not sure what the rectangles in the background are supposed to be, I tried jumping on them but I couldnt. also it would be nice to see which guns are in each chest before I pick them up so its not just a random weapon. awesome for 72hrs though.