Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:26 pm
I know the wiki says that it does not detect wu and wd and says to use love.mousepressed and love.mousereleased instead.
However, love.mousereleased does not detect the release of the mouse-wheel either. This forces the use of a round-about method:
Is this the way to do this, or am I missing something?
However, love.mousereleased does not detect the release of the mouse-wheel either. This forces the use of a round-about method:
Code: Select all
local wu, wd
function love.load()
wu, wd = false, false
function love.draw()
function love.update( dt )
-- Use stuff with wu bool.
wu = false
wd = false
function love.keypressed( Key )
if Key == 'wu' then wu = true
elseif Key == 'wd' then wd = false end