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LOVE2D Lua Performance
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:15 pm
by sabino
I'm new here, and I found on the Internet this website about the LOVE game engine.
It seems easy and very nice, and it uses Lua for scripting.
I know that languages like C++ and Go are very fast because they are compiled.
Other languages such as Lua, Java and Python, are interpreted.
LOVE2D export games as standalone executables, but, what about the game performance?
Will it run slowly?
Thank you
Re: LOVE2D Lua Performance
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:20 pm
by Jasoco
sabino wrote:Will it run slowly?
*procedes to post a whole bunch of GIFs of projects he's done solely for the purpose of bragging*
I could post a bunch of my projects but they're all 3D and 3D is not something Löve can do. But it doesn't stop about half of us here from trying. However, you should not try to do 3D. 2D will run super smoothly though.
Just for the heck of it, why not..
(Note the FPS on that last one which is a URL since it's much bigger.)
Re: LOVE2D Lua Performance
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:46 pm
by micha
It is true that the Lua-Part of LÖVE is potentially slower than game completely written in C++ and then compiled. However, the part of the game, that usually take the most time, namely the drawing, is implemented directly into LÖVE. Only the game logic will be implemented in Lua and this part is usually not the performance-bottleneck. So you can assume that your game will run fine.
Re: LOVE2D Lua Performance
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:14 am
by Fenrir
And the latest version of LOVE uses Luajit, one of the fastest (or even the fastest) JIT compiler for interpreted language around. My project starts to be quite large and performances are not yet a problem and won't be.