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Trying to write a lua server...

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:41 pm
by i_love2d_you
Hi! This question isn't specific to LOVE, but I'm not sure where else to look.

I've been trying to do some basic networking in lua with luasocket.

I have a basic server set up, but I can't figure out how settimeout() works.

Code: Select all

function Server:run()
    self.running = true
    while self.running do
        if self.client == nil then
            print("Waiting for client.")
            self.client = self.server:accept()
            print("Client connected.")
        local line, err = self.client:receive()
        if err then
            print("Error: " .. err)
        elseif line == "quit" then
            self.running = false        
            print("Received: " .. line)
I expect the program to get to self.client:receive() and then wait there until it either gets a message from the client or times out after 10 seconds. However, this is not the behaviour I experience.

Instead, I just get a constant spamming of the error message "Error: timeout" as though the program is not waiting at all.

Re: Trying to write a lua server...

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:41 pm
by Positive07
i_love2d_you wrote:...

I expect the program to get to self.client:receive() and then wait there until it either gets a message from the client or times out after 10 seconds. However, this is not the behaviour I experience.

Instead, I just get a constant spamming of the error message "Error: timeout" as though the program is not waiting at all.
Well luasocket tries to receive, and after 10 seconds it timesout... so that's an error in the reception right? luasocket returns "false" followed by the error message... and the error was "timeout", so in your code you do:

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local line, err = self.client:receive()
        if err then
            print("Error: " .. err)
        elseif line == "quit" then
            self.running = false        
            print("Received: " .. line)
err has a value ("timeout") so the first part executes and prints "Error: timeout". Is that your problem?
You can just ignore timeout errors by doing

Code: Select all

local line, err = self.client:receive()
        if err and err ~= "timeout" then
            print("Error: " .. err)
        elseif line == "quit" then
            self.running = false        
            print("Received: " .. line)
Also I dont recommend setting the timeout of the client but the server instead so I would do

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I hope that helps you.

Re: Trying to write a lua server...

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:20 pm
by i_love2d_you
Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure I follow.

When I call this line:

Code: Select all

local line, err = self.client:receive()
I expect it to wait 10 seconds before it times out. But it doesn't. It doesn't wait any time at all.

The guide on their site says to use client:settimeout(). Setting server:settimeout() did nothing for me (it never times out).

Re: Trying to write a lua server...

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:58 am
by Positive07
I have a question, is this timeout needed? your code doesnt quit when it times out, it tries to receive again.
After it timesout it prints the error and then "while self.running do" will be true so it will do everything again.
So if timeout does nothing more than a print you can just ignore it...

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if err and err ~= "timeout" then
If you are doing this with love you can implement your own timeout using dt/love.timer.getDelta()

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love.update = function (dt)
   time = time or 0 + dt
        if time < 10 do
             print ("Error: timeout")
or something like that

Re: Trying to write a lua server...

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:54 am
by bartbes
I would like to mention you're checking for errors wrong, you should check the truthiness of line, not of err. That said, unless luasocket is acting really weirdly, that shouldn't matter.