Window Overlay

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Window Overlay

Post by zerovisual »

I am looking to build a LUA interface that is semi transparent and runs ontop of a currently running game. Can I do this using LOVE? Is it possible to attach to a currently open window and then just print "Hello World" onto it?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Window Overlay

Post by Positive07 »

Your best choice would be to edit the game (if it is a .love file then it is easy)

Transparent windows are really hard to code so dont expect them soon in LÖVE

Also if you are trying to do this with a LOVE file then it may be possible to do this when I release Cube
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Re: Window Overlay

Post by khamarr3524 »

I believe he was asking about attaching Love to a different executable? If this is the case, then I'd suggest you write your own. Injecting data into files is very tricky and sometimes muddy in the "legality" department so I doubt anyone here will help you. Sorry. If you're referring to something else then maybe I just misinterpreted you, and I apologize.
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Re: Window Overlay

Post by Positive07 »

He just want an overlay, a window on top of a window that shows the window below, so the window needs to be transparent... something imposible for love, but if the window that you need to be on top of is a .love file itself then you can modify the love.draw callback to draw something on top of what was previously drawn.

Cube lets you modify how love behaves so this should be possible (I should stop self advertising)
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