Features in a nutshell
do so by calling this method
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creates a frame
name is optional
ox is offset position x
oy is offset position x
ow is offset size width
oh is offset size height
sx is scale position x
sy is scale position x
sw is scale size width
sh is scale size height
creates a textbutton
creates a textbox
creates a textlabel
text is the text you want it to display
image can be a string such as
ImageButton=gui:newImageButton("sun","Images/sun.png",0,0,100,100,0,0,0,0) --or a image object
ImageLabels work the same way
So what are functions specific to certain objects
Frames and Items are the only things that have drag events don't worry though draging other elements are possible as i will show later on
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Frame.Draggable=true -- can be dragged
Frame.dragbut="r" or "m" or "l" -- the button that activates drag defult is "m"
Frame:OnDrag(function(element) end) -- fired when dragged
--^^^ the only special thing about a frame
--TextButtons,Labels, and Boxes have almost all the same methods
TextBoxes have an additional command
TextBox:OnEnter(function(textbutton,text) end) -- when enter is pressed this event is fired
TextBox.ClearOnFocus=false -- when focus is given to the textbox should I clear the text that was there?
TextElement.Tween(number) -- offset of text on the y axis Why well with all the fonts and sizes I could not programm all that is so you tween so it fits to your needs
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TextElement.text(string) -- holds a string that you want displayed
TextElement.Font(string/userdata) -- can set a font as a string to a font file or an already loaded font
TextElement.FontSize(number/string) -- size of the text
TextElement.TextFormat(string) -- "left","center","right" where the text is located
TextElement.AutoScaleTest(bool) -- WIP auto scales the font size in ratio to the size of the TextElements height
TextElement.TextVisibility(number 0-1) -- 0 can't see 1 completly visible
TextElement.textColor(colordata) -- color of text if you have my color library you can do this:
TextElement.textColor=Color.Red or red or RED -- all three work
ImageElements are all identical so here is what they do
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ImageElement:SetImage(string/userdata) -- change an image realtime
--that is there special feature for now later we'll discuses more.
--so every element has these methods and valueholders
Element:SetDualDim(x, y, w, h, sx ,sy ,sw ,sh) -- sets offset and scale realtime
Element:ApplyGradient(rule,rs,gs,bs,t,var,wwd) -- WIP makes nice shades from one color to another
Element:TopStack() -- brings element to the top of the draw queue
Element:BottomStack() -- brings element to the bottom of the draw queue
Element:newMenu(names,onL,x,y,w,h,c) -- Obsolete or not worth using may be removed
Element:Destroy() -- destroys self and children (I will get to inheritance soon :) )
Element:SetName(name) -- remember when creating you can set a name well here you can change it (used in inheritance)
Element:GetChild(name) -- returns a child by its name from an element
Element:Move(x,y) -- you don't really need this if every thing you do is simple but if you advance you can
Element:OnClicked(function(b,element,x,y) end) -- click event b="r" or "m" or "l" depends on mouse button pressed x,y position on the element that was pressed
Element:OnRelease(function(b,element,x,y) end) -- released event same as above
Element:OnEnter(function(element) end) -- fired when mouse enters an element's domain
Element:OnExit(function(element) end) -- fired when exit elements domain
Element:OnUpdate(function(element) end) -- fired every step
Element:setVisiblity(val) -- sets visibility of all children and self
Element:getChildren() -- returns all children in the element as a table
Element:newScrollMenu(title,tabN,onloop,x, y, w, h, sx ,sy ,sw ,sh) -- WIP but stable interactive example will show usage
Element:Cast(type,arg1) -- arg1 can be a string or image
Element.x -- editing does nothing use SetDualDim() used to get value
Element.y -- editing does nothing use SetDualDim() used to get value
Element.width -- editing does nothing use SetDualDim() used to get value
Element.height -- editing does nothing use SetDualDim() used to get value
Element.Visibility -- (0-1)
Element.Visible -- (bool) can i see it or not Note:Tick this all children are hidden
Element.BorderColor -- color of the border
Element.BorderSize -- size of the border defult 1
Element.Type -- (string) type of element
Element.Name -- name of element
Examples and applications will be in a .love file which i will provide soon
Remember Items have all functions of all Elements except the text button for now
So Inheritance works like this
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Element=gui:newFrame(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) -- fills entire screen
subElement=Element:newTextLabel("sub","I am a sub element :)",0,0,0,60,0,0,1,0)-- x axis will fill entire frame while the y axis fills on 60 px from top
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subElement.Parent==Element -->> true
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--t={[address to subelement]}
-- Note name is optional but very useful if you have it
test=Element:newImageLabel("img","Images/example.png",0,60,100,100)-- under the text element and width and height are 100 px
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--t={[address to subelement],[address to test]}
if i did
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Element:GetChild("sub")-- it will return subElement object
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Element:GetChild("img")-- it will return test object
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Element:SetName(name) -- You can not do this subElement.Name="whatever" it wont work for speed reasons I did not include this ability
If you need any clarifications I will soon provide a .love file with examples.
Now time to get into the MultiTasking Library
Side Note: I will never be able to list all the applications for both the the gui or the multitasking library They have virtually limitless possibilities and uses But I welcome questions for how to do this or that
The MultiTasking Library had gone throw many changes and the gui library will not work without it
Brief History:
Started out with a benchmark from ~2000 steps per second -- Very Slow
Next version benchmark ~300,000 -- Nice increase why because loadstring() was eliminated
Next was a complete over haul now it can do 600,000+ on a 1.70GHz system on 1 core -- multi core functions comming soon
to test your pc do multi:benchMark(1) -- 1 second but you can do any amount
so if your pc is beefy it can handle way over 600,000 steps per second
Note: This is the number of steps that the bench object does not collectively so if other objects are running then even though there is a low bench things will still run smooth
Also The more objects you have the greater the collective performance is so 1 bench may give me 600,000 where 2 seperate give me 325,000+325,000
600,000 vs 650,000 you can try this on your own as well
Ok so what can I do with this library?
Here are all the objects you can use
object Events --when a condition is met i fire
object Alarms --when certain amount of time has passed i fire
object Loops --I constantly fire as fast as i can
object Steps --I am like a loop i fire and i also count
object TSteps --I am like an alarm but i count also
object Triggers --I am basiclly a function that allows the Pause(n) function Details on this later
object Tasks --I am a function that isn't fired until all conponents of the library are met Note: prevents load issues
Note: inhertance is not in this library I couldn't because of complexity When i did it slowed down proformance but tips to bypass this will be given
so this is valid but won't do anything with inheritance it will create the object though
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test=multi:newEvent(function() return g==45 end)
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event=multi:newEvent(function(env) return (_G.a==7) end) -- env is linv to the event object when a==7 then it will fire
event:OnEvent(function(env) print("a=7") end) this is how you connect to the event
alarm=multi:newAlarm(10) -- set to 10 seconds
alarm:OnRing(function(alarm) print("10 seconds have passed") alarm:Reset(n) end)
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loop:OnLoop(function(t,loop) print("looping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") end)-- that will flood your output so don't do that 't' is the time from creation in seconds
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step:OnStep(function(pos,step) print(pos) end)-- steps auto loop
step:OnEnd(function(step) step:Pause() end) -- when it gets to 10 and resets this event is fired
so this example will produce
it stops here because of Pause()
otherwise it would do this
TSteps work similarly
start and reset and count are the same
timer is how long in seconds i wait before the next step
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tstep:OnStep(function(pos,step) print(pos) end)-- steps auto loop
tstep:OnEnd(function(step) step:Pause() end) -- when it gets to 10 and resets this event is fired
(wait one second)
(wait one second)
(wait one second)
count can be negative just make sure "start" and "reset" reflect that change
Bugs: (Its a lua one not mine I think) count can't be more than .01 in detail or the numbers start getting weird decimals round off errors
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trigger=multi:newTrigger(function(trig,...) print("Fire!!!") end)
newTask(func) -- function called when every conponent of the multitask manager is loaded When allowing custom scripts this might be useful but you really don't need it
Well that is all for object only methods here is what they all can do
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Object:Pause(n) -- pauses an object if 'n' is given Do not use Resume()!!!!!!
Object:Resume() -- resumes a paused object
Object:Destroy() -- destroys an object
Object:Hold(n,func) -- pauses an object at location called until certian time has passed or a condition has been met
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loop:OnLoop(function(loop) a=a+1 end)
loop2:OnLoop(function(loop) Hold(function() return (a>=100000) end) print("a now >= 100000") end)-- this would in less than a second because it is a small number.
--after the event is fired this will happen continually
loop:OnLoop(function(loop) a=a+1 end)
loop2:OnLoop(function(loop) Hold(2) print("a = "..a.." after 2 seconds") end)-- this would produce 'a' in the +1,000,000 area
--every 2 seconds this would happen
What it does is only execute a function once
but the function must not be anonymous
use like so
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function SetUp(...)
print("Doing stuff :)")
multi:oneTime(SetUp,...)-- do once
print("Doing other stuff not that the setup is done")
Also Examples will be made because I am not the best at explaining like this in a day or 2 I will release examples with the .love. unless i am busy otherwise it shouldn't take more then 2 days