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DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:10 pm
by BozoDel
Did you guys know that DuckDuckGo has a !love
bang? We can search the wiki straight from the address bar!
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:27 pm
by Robin
I did not know that! That makes things slightly easier. (Too bad it only does search and doesn't go to the page if there's an exact match like it does for Wikipedia.)
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:37 pm
by josefnpat
Robin wrote:Too bad it only does search and doesn't go to the page if there's an exact match like it does for Wikipedia.
As soon as I tried
I felt this way.
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:22 pm
by Robin
I submitted a request for change, hopefully it'll be better soon!
EDIT: there's also a !love2d, which does do the right thing, but screw that.
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:21 pm
by Plu
That looks like a pretty cool search engine
I'm going to use that for a while, see how well it works.
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:28 pm
by DaedalusYoung
I don't get it, what's it for? So you can just abbreviate search engines? Opera has done that for like 10 years already, and it's also a standard option in Chrome, I don't see what this website does.
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:59 pm
by Robin
DaedalusYoung wrote:I don't get it, what's it for? So you can just abbreviate search engines? Opera has done that for like 10 years already, and it's also a standard option in Chrome, I don't see what this website does.
Well, DuckDuckGo is a search engine with several advantages, of which these are the most important IMO:
- You search history is sensitive information, that usually is shared with a lot of companies (especially in the ad business). DDG doesn't store that information doesn't share it with anyone else, and doesn't track you in any other way.
- Instant answers. You can get a lot of information without having to click though to other websites: calculations, unit or currency conversions, summaries from Wikipedia, answers from StackOverflow, disambiguating search terms with multiple meanings, etc. Google has been trying to copy this feature lately, with limited success I would say.
- !bangs. This is allows you to search using specialized search engines, which is often where you end up anyway. The difference between using DDG and browser keywords is that the former has far, far more sites you can use, without having to set up anything.
DDG is made by a small company, but a lot of it is open source and contributed to by users, so its functionality is continually growing.
I have my Firefox and Chrome location bars setup so that anything that isn't a URL is treated as a DDG search query.
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:09 am
by BozoDel
DaedalusYoung wrote:I don't get it, what's it for? So you can just abbreviate search engines? Opera has done that for like 10 years already, and it's also a standard option in Chrome, I don't see what this website does.
Really? I guess they don't publicize it much then, cause I used to use those browsers and didn't know that (unless we're talking about different things here).
I switched to DDG mostly because I didn't like a lot of things Google (the company) was doing, but I still use Google often. I have the impression that Google is usually better, but a couple of times found DDG to be better (though it's really unfair to compare, since I only use Google when DDG fails). Also Google has that hits counter which is useful for terminology research.
The one thing I really miss is that Mozilla addon that hides websites I don't like when using Google search.
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:52 pm
by Plu
The one thing I really miss is that Mozilla addon that hides websites I don't like when using Google search.
This sounds intriguing. Tell me more?
Re: DuckDuckGo !bang
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:50 pm
by BozoDel
Plu wrote:This sounds intriguing. Tell me more?
Of course, I should have posted it already.
Here it is.