Only yesterday I've encountered an annoying problem caused by the delta time update of the player position in my test map, let me explain.
As a premise, I say that the player is moving on an orthogonal tiled map with many layers. The data structure of a layer is substantially a matrix, filled with numbers in each row. I want my player to move only on the zero correspondent tiles in the first layer of the map (just to add more infos, the map is built with Tiled and i'll provide a sample at the end).
Basically, this is the function for my player movement
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function Player.movement(dt)
--there's other stuff here
--delta(x,y) is the normalized vector I use to get the direction my player needs to go (obviously based off the input I receive)
Player.velocity = Player.velocity:len() * delta + Player.acceleration * dt
if Player.velocity:len() > Player.max_velocity then
Player.velocity = Player.velocity:normalized() * Player.max_velocity
if Player.TestMap(math.sign(delta.x), math.sign(delta.y), dt) then
Player.position = Player.position + Player.velocity * dt
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function Player.TestMap(x, y)
nearby_tile_walkable =[math.ceil(actual_position.y/tilewidth)+y][math.ceil(actual_position.x/tileheight)+x] ==0
is_at_border = (x==1 and right_limit) or (x==-1 and left_limit) or (y==1 and lower_limit) or (y==-1 and upper_limit)
if not nearby_tile_walkable and is_at_border then
return false
return true
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right_limit = actual_position.x == last_pixel_of_current_tile
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right_limit = actual_position.x <= math.ceil(actual_position.x/tilewidth)*tilewidth and actual_position.x >= (math.ceil(actual_position.x/tilewidth)*tilewidth)-10
Now, I'd like to ask if there's any way to do what I want to do without changing the hell out of the movement system. If my explanation was lacking, please point out where I can explain myself better.
As always, thank you very much for your time in reading my post
PS: attached for the reference is the tiled generated map