Drawing a tilemap on a canvas, problem with culling.

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Drawing a tilemap on a canvas, problem with culling.

Post by Moonkis »

I'm currently participating in the gbjam3, and so far it's going pretty good. To get the scaling smooth (with no gap between tiles or the like) I'm drawing everything to a canvas, then scaling and translating it by the cameras origin.

The problem is that I'm not sure how to get the culling to work, I know how to calculate the range of tiles to draw, but it seems love.graphics.translate(dx,dy) also translates the canvas, which means it futile to draw to it. I can't seem to move the canvas either so I'm not sure what to do :/

Anyone know how to keep the canvas inside of the view?
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Re: Drawing a tilemap on a canvas, problem with culling.

Post by OmarShehata »

I'm not sure if I perfectly understand the set up you have, but you could translate back before you draw the canvas, that should work.

Or use love.graphics.push/pop to save a state and revert back to it. http://www.love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.push

If you can upload a .love file we could offer more help!
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Re: Drawing a tilemap on a canvas, problem with culling.

Post by Jasoco »

You need to pop it back before drawing the canvas yes.
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