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SHaBU (Shoot and Build)

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:16 pm
by 10headless
first of all, this is by no means a full game. It's not even a real, proper alpha. This is more of a preview of mechanics. It's a 2d 2-stick shooter. Your goal is to kill all the enemies and spawners. At first it may seem impossible, because enemies are spawning at a rate of one each 3-4 seconds. The key to winning is the Build Mode (looking for a cooler name :) ). It allows you to place blocks on the map. You can separate yourself from your enemies by placing them in right spots. The game was created for gamepad, but you can play it with keyboard and mouse.

Controls: (gamepad in first brackets, keyboard in second)
- player movement [left stick] [wsad]
- aiming [right stick] [mouse]
- shooting [right bumper] [left mouse key]
- entering and exiting Build Mode [X button] [left control]
- selecting block in Build Mode [D-Pad] [wsad]
- placing a block in Build Mode [A button] [enter]

Maybe you could give me some ideas what to do next?

Re: SHaBU (Shoot and Build)

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:42 am
by Davidobot
I got this error:

Code: Select all

player.lua:37: attempt to index global 'joystick' (a nil value)
EDIT: Huh, it only works if I have a controller plugged in.

Re: SHaBU (Shoot and Build)

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:32 am
by 10headless
Sorry for this little mistake, i was porting it to keyboard and mouse quickly and didn't bother with trying to run it without gamepad plugged in.

Re: SHaBU (Shoot and Build)

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:57 pm
by 10headless
sorry for the double post I just wanna be sure that it will get to as many people as possible

SHaBU now has it's own GitHub:

Re: SHaBU (Shoot and Build)

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:26 am
by clofresh
This is a really cool concept! Maybe you could limit the amount you can build to some resource you have to collect? Like right now you can just build a huge wall around the enemy spawn points and then it's too easy. Maybe you should have to kill like 3 enemies before you can place a block. That way it's a little more challenging.

Re: SHaBU (Shoot and Build)

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:09 pm
by 10headless
I thought about limiting it! But I'm not really sure how I'm gonna implement it. Maybe it will be like some energy per level to build blocks, or maybe you will first have to destroy part of the map to collect blocks. Not sure yet :) now I'm working on implementing some bombs. Right now I think that there will be two types of bombs: time bombs, and bombs that will be activated by enemies. You know, you will put a bomb somewhere, then you will have to place strings between two blocks and when enemy will touch the string bomb will activate :)