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About the XMPP field on the user's profile.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:42 pm
by SouL
Hello lövers :3

I'm a huge fan (?) of the XMPP protocol and when I saw that was possible to fill a field for my XMPP address I was so glad.

It's nice to see the forum gives you a field for that, the problem is I thought the field was for people clicking in the icon see your address but then, surprise :rofl: :


So, the reason of this thread is because I would like to ask for:

1-Make the XMPP address visible to registered users (human users, not bots ;) )


2-Look for enabling the feature that message shows. (Maybe the first could be easier if the message means installing a server)

I would like to take this thread too for encourage all XMPP users (if any :P ) to engage together in a conference about LÖVE to help us while using a great protocol :megagrin:

Thanks for for your time and sorry if I placed the thread in a wrong subforum.