Here is a demo of several things I want to test :
- noise generation to generate planets & cloud
- basic sprite animation
- shader for shading
- collision library "HardOnCollisionner"
- attempt to do a small GUI
Here a screen shot :
Some precisions :
Planet's Image & Shader
The shader do only shading. The image is a collections of frames of the planet in orthogonal projection, with different angle.
The shader use the Blinn-Phong reflection model , with light source and eye at infinite.
The shader code is a little complex due that only a part of the image (the current frame) is used (so texture coord is not all the 1x1 square) and it seems that the coordinate has the same orientation as the screen (I don't understand this, perhaps due of the use of quad ?)
the GUI
I develop a little GUI with the tiny object framework of Hardon Collisionner library
It is crude, but is a good exercice and I must do some refactoring and cleaning to have a more modern look.
Planet generation
I generate all the frames of planet image, so it can take long time.
I create a cloud system, not very realistic but the planet seems more "real"
The GUI must be cleaned and reworked. Keyboard must be managed. Perhaps using a canvas to draw the GUI ?
Using a more complex shader code that do the projection, the rotation and (of course) theshading. The image is then only a square, the projection of the planet surface.
Here is the love file, Enjoy !