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Uploading n' stuff
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:11 am
by baconhawka7x
I have been planning to join in on the next ludum(lew-dum???) dare compo. in April. But one thing that I never really thought about concerning uploading. Is that on there is a separate download for love2d for each major OS. So does this mean, that when I finish a game and upload it. I will have to get someone else to compile my game on there windows computer(I'm on a mac) and then ANOTHER person to compile it on a linux?
Re: Uploading n' stuff
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:28 am
by Jasoco
You could just provide the .love file and give a link to for downloading the runtime. But I don't know if the rules specify that you need to have ready-made executables.
Re: Uploading n' stuff
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:08 am
by MarekkPie
Doesn't look like they will "disallow" just throwing the .love up there, but you are encouraged to keep the upload self-contained. I'd say your best bet is to just make the Windows build, and then just do Jasoco's suggestion for the other OSes. We are already used to the shaft.
Re: Uploading n' stuff
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:13 am
by Jasoco
Alternatively do what I see a lot of indie cross-platform games do. Provide one single ZIP file with all the files for all three OS'. A package for OS X, a game.exe with all DLL's for Windows and the appropriate binaries for Linux. Though if you can get away with it, just upload the .love with a readme saying to install Löve, and place the disclaimer on the download page too.