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Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:39 pm
by DrCicero
My MiniLD#50 entry
My MiniLD#50 entry
Xelda.jpg (17.78 KiB) Viewed 8541 times
For the MiniLD #50 "Demakes" i released my first game-thingy. ( The HTML5 Game / The MiniLD-Page ) Then i ported it from HTML5 to to Love, and and changed everything. The game now consists of one Dungeon (some puzzles and a boss).

Download V0.0.4
linux/source .love win64.exe win32.exe
I'd love feedback! ^^
Idea, Implementation, Graphics, Sound and some Music by me. Most music by my uncle.

0.0.4: bugfix
0.0.3: bugfix, choose between vsync/framerate cap
0.0.2: cap framerate at 60fps, better menu
0.0.1: initial release

Nonagdorf kidnaps Xelda to gain world domination. As Rink tries to stop him, he is kidnapped instead. Now Xelda has to visit some Places and defeat some Monsters and so on... to finally face Nonagdorf and rescue Rink.
I know - show dont tell, so eventually the story will actually have something to do with the game :oops:

Simple Puzzle
Simple Puzzle
Xeldas Saga 3.png (50.05 KiB) Viewed 8541 times
Xeldas Saga 2.png (47.51 KiB) Viewed 8541 times

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:29 am
by pelicano_o
Just finished playing this game. I like the feeling of exploring a vast unknown world, and I enjoy this game. The pace is nice. The music and graphics are nice and comfortable.

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:51 pm
by Ranguna259
This game is so awesome, loved it, the graphics are cool and the gameplay is too, great work :nyu:

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:42 pm
by DrCicero
:awesome: Thanks for playing!

Here are some points I'm curious about:
* How much longer than 7min did it take you?
* Did you find both optional heart-containers before facing the boss?
* Was there anything unobvious? (for example where to put the big key)
and finally: Any advices for designing the menu/saveing/loading?

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:06 am
by pelicano_o
I think I took my time and finished the game in like 2 or 3 sessions. I guess I took 20+ min.. Yeah, I found both heart-containers. I think it just took me a bit of trial and error for the puzzles (interesting) and I just walked around and found the lock to fit the big key with not much effort. The menus are nice. Maybe you want to show how long people took until the last save alongside the save entries, haha.

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:25 am
by MadByte
* I finished it in < 10min. Everything was pretty obvious to me. Only the controls were a bit unhandy. Isn't it possible to do everything with a single action key exept the crossbow ?

* Yeah I found both heart-containers.

I think this is a greaat game and with some fixes for the collision with the tiles, graphical enhancements and a longer gameplay this game
could be a great indie game for people to buy :)

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:54 pm
by T-Bone
I like it. One thing that bothered me was jumping out of the water. Sometimes, it doesn't let you jump high enough and you just bounce around on the surface level. At first I thought it wasn't even possible to jump out of the water and thought I was stuck.

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:57 pm
by DrCicero
Ah yes, i wonder how other games implement jumping out of water? The velocity gained while swimming upwards is just not enough to fight the gravity to land on one of the blocks (like in real life - only dolphins can jump out of the water, not humans) ;) .

Anyway, thanks for reminding me on this. :awesome:

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:59 pm
by pacman
It's unplayable with 500 fps...
Maybe you tried to enable vsync but from my experience it's not a good idea :F
Am I missing something?

Re: Xeldas Saga (Short Action-Platformer)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:51 pm
by DrCicero
Independent of using vsync or not the framerate is always 60 fps on my netbook... I thought löve does that automatically!? Do i have to use a custom if i want to have a maximal framerate? :huh:

Edit: now (for v0.2) i use the 0.9.1 from the wiki and replaced sleep with the following:

Code: Select all

local now = love.timer.getTime()
love.timer.sleep(1/60 - now % (1/60))
Does it work now?

Edit: now (for v0.3) you have to use the 'workaround' option on the options screen, this will activate the 'Free the physics'-Version from Gaffer on Games: Fix your timestep!. On my netbook trusting vsync to cap the framerate at 60fps seems smother, so i kept that as the default.
I hope it works now! ^^