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Requesting examples to learn from.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:16 pm
by greentiger
Does anyone know of a project or tutorial that uses a 2D-grid based combat system such as SRPG or tactical RPG.
The reason I ask is because I learn best by doing and seeing other people's examples.
I know it probably doesn't exist, but I thought I'd ask.
I have searched for such projects already and have found a couple of Ludum Dare links but they're dead right now.
Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Requesting examples to learn from.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:04 am
by Zilarrezko
Not that i've seen of man. If you're pretty good at Object Orientated Programming for Lua, and have a good structure understanding of C++, then you'll know a basic bit of Java if you know C++, as such you can watch a C++ or Java person coding a game like that, although tutorials or codethroughs like that are sparse but not impossible to find.

Sorry I can't be more help, most programming tutorials are just teaching you little bits of code or processes or built in libraries, that's how I painfully learned, but learned a bit nonetheless.

Re: Requesting examples to learn from.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:47 am
by HugoBDesigner
I might suggest you to look at this:
Code Doodles thread

It has some advanced stuff, but mostly really simple and cool "gadgets" for you to play (and mess around) with :D

Re: Requesting examples to learn from.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:34 am
by T-Bone
One of my favourite features of LÖVE is that it doesn't come with any real game structure, all that stuff is up to you to implement. If you want to implement a 2D grid based combat system, then ask yourself how you want it to work and start implementing that. If you don't want to write it from scratch on your own, I'd say LÖVE might not be the right tool for you, because it's probably going to be difficult to find good tutorials and examples of everything you might want to implement.

Honestly, if you have any previous programming experience, I'd recommend just trying to implement it on your own. If you run into issues, you can always post your code here and we'll help you :neko: