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[LD29] Paranoia

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:27 pm
by WetDesertRock

Heyo all,

This was my second game for Ludum Dare. My last one had a good idea, and not much else. This time I went the opposite direction, I started out with an alright idea, and developed a game that was "Beautifully colourful!", and I think I met all of my goals for this game. I succeeded in creating a game that was aesthetically intriguing, and created a wonderful mood.

On the LOVE side of things, its all pretty basic. I had lots of fun learning how to tween, and realized I didn't like any of the gamestate libraries out there and created my own. I also implemented the triangles library that I released before the compo. It turned out well, feel free to use it in your own projects. I'm curious about what other people do with it!

So give it a play and a vote (if you can), and leave a comment! It was a fun game to make. If you do play it, I warn you that I am not in any senses considered a creative writer.

Link: ... &uid=30221

Re: [LD29] Paranoia

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:54 pm
by josefnpat

Re: [LD29] Paranoia

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:14 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
Side question though, slightly off-topic.... Delaunay.lua already provides a Triangle class. Maybe you could have just extended it to make your Triangle class ?

Re: [LD29] Paranoia

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:36 pm
by WetDesertRock
Thanks for playing and commenting :)

In some ways I do extend it, I add a .color attribute for each triangle that is stored. Aside from that, my library mostly deals with placing and drawing the triangles. Your library does the heavy lifting with calculating the triangles. What were you thinking I would subclass>

Thanks for the library by the way, it good, fast (afaik) and easy to use.