Enemy AI or CPU

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Enemy AI or CPU

Post by JaquesEdrillavo »

Hi everyone.

I keep looking but I can't find anything related, but: Does LÖVE support Enemy AI, or CPU player?
I was hoping someone could give me some pointers on this.

Thank you!
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Re: Enemy AI or CPU

Post by Jeeper »

Short answer, yes Löve "supports AI/CPU"

Longer answer, there is no "easy trick" to make an AI or CPU. Depending on how complex and depending on what game type it is, it is everything from fast and easy to very complex and hard to do.

So in other words, you will just have to code it yourself. There are some libraries and such that can help you with certain aspects, such as path finding. And there are some videos on how to make a simple AI.

If you want more in depth help you need to provide more information on what kind of AI you need.
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