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Simulating LUA console inside love?
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:09 pm
by SniX
So i guess i wrote inside the wrong forum, so is there a way to simulate LUA console inside love. With some instructions please.
Re: Simulating LUA console inside love?
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:23 pm
by Ranguna259
What I said on your other post:
Ranguna259 wrote:You can do that by using the
pcall or the
xpcall lua functions.
Re: Simulating LUA console inside love?
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:40 pm
by SniX
So on previous post a guy posted about pcall and xpcall, im starting to understand what he meant, still, any help will be appretiated.
For how i understood i ask for human input, then call a function with it, right?
Re: Simulating LUA console inside love?
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:48 pm
by Ranguna259
The other guy was me
Here's an exemple (you'll aslo need to use
Code: Select all
f, err = loadstring(input)
if f then
f, err = pcall(f)
if not f then
print('error: '..err)
print('Code ran successfully')
Code: Select all
f, err = loadstring(input)
if f then
f = xpcall(f, function(err) print('error: '..err) end)
if f then
print('Code ran successfully')
That's how
LoveDebug does it.