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Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:13 am
by Findo777
I don't know if anyone sees this....
But if you do, can anyone tell me an useful addon's to Notepad++, I find it hard to wiki every single time I want to learn something with .graphics.
The reason I ask this is because in a tutorial, I someone have options of .graphics, and I would love that!
Thank you for your help!
Re: Hello?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:47 am
by Findo777
Can anyone answer?
Re: Hello?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:00 am
by JovialFeline
Auto-completion for 0.9.0 thanks to Nabakin
- Download the lua.xml and place it in your Notepad++/plugins/APIs/ directory.
- In Notepad++, go to Settings > Preferences in the menu.
- Select the Backup/Auto-Completion tab.
- Make sure "Enable auto-completion on each input" is checked.
- Set it to "Function completion."
- And check "Function parameters hint on input."
If the download link doesn't work for you, say so and I could easily mirror it elsewhere. Note that you
may have to restart N++ after installing. It's been ages since I used N++, so I can't say for sure. I do know the XML worked a treat for me at the time, though.
Anything else you might find useful?
Re: Hello?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:10 am
by Findo777
Sorry, it does not.
I get this error:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Re: Hello?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:25 am
by JovialFeline
I'm not sure how you got an error. I posted those images above using a fresh install of N++ 6.5.4 and then following the wiki's instructions to the letter.
If you're having trouble getting the file itself, I've got
a mirror here. If the download is okay, what exactly are you doing with the XML file once you have it?
Re: Hello?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:34 am
by Findo777
Never mind.
I guess it's better to learn from scratch, not from depending on an automated help system
Thanks, and please check out my Delay on loops post, for that would be helpful.
Re: Hello?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:36 am
by Robin
Findo777 wrote:This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
That's not really an error. Your browser tries to display the XML file, because sometimes that's the right thing to do. Instead of clicking on the link for the XML file, right click and select "save file" or "save link" or whatever it's called.