Martian Madness! (Alpha)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:50 pm
Martian Madness

Yes, that's right, Wolf is back after a long break from Love2D, he's much more organized and still doesn't understand mapping!
But, now he has a graphic designer to accompany him, and the two of them have made this. Martian Madness. It's pretty damn simple, really just a way to show my graphic designer basic code, but it could turn into something really cool. So try it out, *cluck* (or nah). And tell us what you think so far!
--Game Features--
You are a space ranger sent out to control the martian poplulation, but they aren't too happy about that! Since they have nothing but their bodies, they hurl themselves at you and your ship! Shoot them down or dodge them, either way staying alive the longest is your goal! Post your best scores (with screenies to prove it) on this thread!
We plan to add.
--Some sort of shop/money system
--More powerups
--Nuke Powerup! (v.03)
Hope you enjoy playing around with it, maybe it'll become something great, in the mean time, peace out.

Yes, that's right, Wolf is back after a long break from Love2D, he's much more organized and still doesn't understand mapping!

But, now he has a graphic designer to accompany him, and the two of them have made this. Martian Madness. It's pretty damn simple, really just a way to show my graphic designer basic code, but it could turn into something really cool. So try it out, *cluck* (or nah). And tell us what you think so far!
--Game Features--
You are a space ranger sent out to control the martian poplulation, but they aren't too happy about that! Since they have nothing but their bodies, they hurl themselves at you and your ship! Shoot them down or dodge them, either way staying alive the longest is your goal! Post your best scores (with screenies to prove it) on this thread!

We plan to add.
--Some sort of shop/money system
--More powerups
--Nuke Powerup! (v.03)
Hope you enjoy playing around with it, maybe it'll become something great, in the mean time, peace out.