I show the new upgrade store, and demonstrate the in-game shop where you can purchase power-ups with crystals (you gain 1 each level, in addition they can spawn as power ups). I also show of a few of the new enemies (there are still a few others that are not covered in this video) and some special levels such as the darkness map at level 6.
The visuals have also received a full overhaul (and some nice visual eyecandy such as the astronaut looking at the spaceship), and more improvements are to come!
OLD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7XcQmPw ... e=youtu.be
PS, i forgott to turn on "record cursor" in my recording program, so its not visible in the menu. But it should still be watchable

EDIT: Looking for people to test out the game to help find bugs and such. Post your computer speccs and I will send you a PM. The only requirement that I am aware of is that you need a gfx card that is able to run shaders.
EDIT2: The game is nearing its launch (should be out within 2 weeks) and in an effort to promote the game several game reviewers have gotten a free copy to review. Heres the first one that has come out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZoGIzoo1Pg