Unexpected Pink Piggy
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:46 am
I've been working on a networked 2d fighter for a while now, managed to get the networking down, and was working on rebuilding the game logic when I updated to LOVE 0.9.0. When I realized that this would mean I would have to rewrite a good chunk of my code, I switched back to running 0.8.0 and resolved to update the code once I had it in a more complete form, but since then I haven't been able to get my game to run at all. I haven't changed any thing about this version of the files since I had it working almost perfectly about a month ago. My question to anyone willing to take a look at the .love file is this - does the game run on your system? I recently dual-booted Ubuntu on my machine, but can't really imagine that having any effect on the game's ability to run.
The board attachment quota has been reached, so the .love file can be downloaded here:
The board attachment quota has been reached, so the .love file can be downloaded here: