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exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:56 am
by pielago
I am confuse with the exe?
i read that you need a PC to make PC games but also you need MAC for MAC games?
does that means you can't do it from one PC to all????
just to think about that i picture a lots of different computers around me and remaking everything to work in each of them ( lot of works)

wish i could use one type of computer for all..
is it possible?????

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:35 am
by Plu
I'm not sure I understand. You want to convert the game to a runnable fil for each type on operating on one machine? I don't think that's possible right now.

If you mean you want to make a .exe file (which works only on windows) that works on all computers that run windows, that should work just fine if you create a .exe. But the files for MAC and Unix aren't called .exe files at all, since that's a windows filetype.

There are basically 3 types of computers you could build the game for; Windows, MacOS and Unix.

Of course as long as you're distributing the games on the forum, you can just post the .love. It only becomes important to package them once you start mass distribution, so you'll probably only have to build all these games once per major version, which shouldn't be often.

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:37 am
by bartbes
It is possible, it's just not very easy.

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:00 am
by SiENcE
It's indeed very complicated for new users to know where to start. For example haxe/haxelib did a wonderful job in this.

@bartbes: It is possible in, let say löve 1.0, to make a devkit and a runtime? In devkit i would put a script/tool to build standalone executables for all supported devices. I would also appreciate to increase the visibility of love ports with a subforum for each!

We have löve users who put a lot of work into love-webplayer, löveliness-nacl, ilove2d, love-android. Only love-android has a subforum. But i think the biggest problem for this ports is the löve team strategy. When does a port is worth to be included into official releases. Where is the roadmap for new releases and who is planing new features. This is completely close to most löve users.

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:31 pm
by pielago
But the files for MAC and Unix aren't called .exe files at all, since that's a windows filetype.
okay let me understand i make a exe from a windows
so that means window users can play it but not MAC or linux?
I will need MAC and LINUX to do that?
in other words i need 3 computers and make it again and again for all of them????
UGH.. all i can say ...

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:36 pm
by josefnpat
pielago wrote:
But the files for MAC and Unix aren't called .exe files at all, since that's a windows filetype.
okay let me understand i make a exe from a windows
so that means window users can play it but not MAC or linux?
I will need MAC and LINUX to do that?
in other words i need 3 computers and make it again and again for all of them????
UGH.. all i can say ...
I distribute to windows 32bit, windows 64bit, OS X and Linux.

I do it via a script; here's an example.

This script is designed for *nix systems with git, zip and wget.

* Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install git zip wget`
* OS X: install brew, and use `brew install wget`
* Windows: install cgywin and get the `git zip wget` dependencies.

There are other ways to do it, but this is the way I distribute to all OS's from my linuxbox.

If this is over your head, just distribute a .love file to the forums :)

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:43 pm
by pielago
istribute to windows 32bit, windows 64bit, OS X and Linux.
sorry for my ignorance ...where can i put this script?
where will it go????
and YES this is what i was looking for :)

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:55 pm
by SiENcE
Did you read this?

If you have the tools, just grab all 3 runtimes from löve website and prepare them on your windows pc. But i suggest you to try them before upload. Why not get a VM like VirtualPC, install linux or macosx and test.

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:01 pm
by BozoDel
SiENcE wrote:I would also appreciate to increase the visibility of love ports with a subforum for each!
Yeah, I think giving visibility to those ports would be pretty inspiring. Some of them are very incipient tho... so maybe a subforum for ports in general?
josefnpat wrote:If this is over your head, just distribute a .love file to the forums :)
You can even just distribute the .love file to EVERYONE (not just the forums) and tell people to stop being lazy and download LÖVE.

Re: exe for all Pcs???

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:54 am
by slime
BozoDel wrote:You can even just distribute the .love file to EVERYONE (not just the forums) and tell people to stop being lazy and download LÖVE.
I think is better for the developer to do a little bit of work and distribute executables (when possible), rather than having every single player get LÖVE themselves. The former saves more time for users and only requires a single person to do more work, whereas the latter creates hassle for users.
As a developer, you usually want to reduce the barriers between users and your game.