time limit

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time limit

Post by elsalvador »

okay can someone
explain to me how time works?
I want to use time limit to a game so i want to start from
1:00 min til 0:00
i try with update(dt)
but it goes really fast :(
read the wiki but to many stuff cant get it ?
can someone be so nice and give me the simple code?
from 1:00 and as soon hits 0:00 to say FAIL! as print
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Re: time limit

Post by micha »

You need a variable that records the time left (in seconds)

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function love.load()
  timeLeft = 60

function love.draw()
  if timeLeft >= 0 then

function love.update(dt)
  timeLeft = timeLeft - dt
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Re: time limit

Post by elsalvador »

oH i see But is there a way to make it like the real time going down with out all them number to the right???
i did tried like that but to many number to the right side? i will need to display it on the screen this could work behind scenes but what i need its to be able to display like them real games with time limits.. the DT is a problem for me its to fast .. for 1:00 going down to 0:00 i will need it to go like real time mins( dt )gives me only like millisecs... to fast
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Re: time limit

Post by Teraku »

Try this code (Untested):

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function love.load()
  timeLeft = 60

function love.draw()
love.graphics.print(round(timeLeft), 0, 0)

function love.update(dt)
timeLeft = timeLeft - dt

function round(num)
    return math.floor(num+0.5)
Last edited by Teraku on Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: time limit

Post by DaedalusYoung »

And to round it down to integers, you use something like math.floor().

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function love.draw()
    love.graphics.print(math.floor(timeLeft), 32, 32)
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Re: time limit

Post by elsalvador »

Thank you both this is what i was looking for interesting that under wiki you don't have something like this
for beginners because the DT under update its difficult to use for cases like this..

Hope someone could add ' time world clock ' in a simple way using the update(dt)<-----
but for now this is perfect thank you both!

but if there is another easier way hope someone could add it here....
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Re: time limit

Post by elsalvador »

okay from what you gave me I did this
IDK i feel the code its messy can someone share a shorter way to do this?
I feel to many variables i used.. :(

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function love.load()
    timeLeft = 10
	mins = 2
	stop = true
	p = false

function love.draw()
	love.graphics.print(mins..' :'..round(timeLeft), 50, 50)
	if p== true then
		love.graphics.print('YOU LOST', 100, 100)

function love.update(dt)
	if stop== true then
		timeLeft = timeLeft - dt
	if timeLeft <= 0 then
		timeLeft = 10
		mins =mins-1
	if mins== 0 then
		mins =2
		stop = false

function round(num)	
	return math.floor(num+0.5)	
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Re: time limit

Post by Plu »

If you don't mind upping the complexity a bit, you can use a table to handle most of this stuff and keep it fairly clean. I'm going to assume you understand the basic idea of tables and can fill in the gaps because I can't test the code from here, but something along the lines of this:

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clock = {}
clock.time = 120 -- in seconds
clock.x, clock.y = 50, 50 -- where you want the clock to be
clock.update = function( self, dt ) if self.time > 0 then self.time = self.time - dt end end
clock.draw = function( self ) love.graphics.print(math.floor( self.time / 60 ) ..' :'..round(self.time % 60 ), self.x, self.y )
-- the above uses the clock.time to calculate the number of minutes and seconds on the fly whenever they are printed
clock.timeUp = function( self ) return self.time <= 0 end
You put the above in your love.load and it would work like this:

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function love.update( dt )
  clock.update( clock, dt )

function love.draw()
  clock.draw( clock )
  if clock.timeUp( clock ) then
    -- print "you lose" or whatever you like here
It could be a lot cleaner but it'll only get more complicated for a beginning programmer, so once you understand how this work, feel free to come in and ask for more improvements :)
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Re: time limit

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Just to add that if you keep the same function definition (as proposed by the Great Plu), you can have a shorter syntax, OOP style, using colon for method call.

If a is a table, and f a function in this table, then, the following:

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is strictly equivalent to:

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Code: Select all

    function love.update( dt )
      clock:update( dt )

    function love.draw()
      if clock:timeUp() then
        -- print "you lose" or whatever you like here
This is fairly well discussed in Chapter 16 of PiL.
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Re: time limit

Post by elsalvador »

Guys you all are great i will learn a lot from you now if i make the table ( i know basic) when you say function does it means i create a new function somewhere else and just add it to the table?
ill get this examples you guys wrote and test it til i get it :cool:

but for now thank you so much ....

But at the end the way i did it before is it valid? will it still work?
i know its messy but just wondering?
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