Some self humorous coding-love-hate!
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:57 pm
Code: Select all
> typeof Nan
Code: Select all
> Math.min() < Math.max()
I have a feeling this will be the case in many languages. Since it's kind of a property of a number to be.. not one..nevon wrote:Code: Select all
> typeof Nan "number"
it's also of a property of ieee-754bartbes wrote:I have a feeling this will be the case in many languages. Since it's kind of a property of a number to be.. not one..nevon wrote:Code: Select all
> typeof Nan "number"
I almost died.Enough making fun of languages that suck, let's talk about Javascript!
(That's actually the only line in this entire presentation that's reasonable...)Code: Select all
> Array(16) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, > Array(16).join("wat") watwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwatwat
Code: Select all
> Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!" NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!
Ah yes JavaScript. That thing that gave me a lot of headaches in the era of Microsoft-Netscape browser wars. But enough making fun of languages that suck, let's talk about JavaScript!Taehl wrote:Enough making fun of languages that suck, let's talk about Javascript!
from "A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages" ( ... wrong.html"1995 - Brendan Eich reads up on every mistake ever made in designing a programming language, invents a few more, and creates LiveScript. Later, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of Java the language is renamed JavaScript. Later still, in an effort to cash in on the popularity of skin diseases the language is renamed ECMAScript.