Hi, I've been looking into this and I can't find a simple way on how to do it. So I have an idea for an awesome game but the thing that I can't do is check to see if the player has collided with the enemy. When the Player collides with the enemy I was thinking that the players score goes down. I can do the score subtaction but the collision thing is a problem. Could someone show me how to detect if the player has collided with the enemy please.
Collision...Lots of people keep asking about how to detect a collision around here.
In other words, you would have found the answer using the search button.
Let me redirect you to this post I wrote the day before yesterday.
Hope it helps.
Roland_Yonaba wrote:Collision...Lots of people keep asking about how to detect a collision around here.
In other words, you would have found the answer using the search button.
Let me redirect you to this post I wrote the day before yesterday.
Hope it helps.