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stupid game
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 6:29 am
by zenith
Hi, guys! I recently started to poke love2d and i found it absolutely amazing!
I already have a bit of programming experience (i wish i had more) but still many things are obscure for me.
Here's what i made so far (about 5 hours of lurking wiki, forums and lua manual)
(based on this
wasd - movement
zx - increase/decrease target speed
what needs to be done:
1) main menu
2) actual gameplay
3) everything else
- stupidgameshot.png (9.56 KiB) Viewed 8668 times
Re: stupid game
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:44 pm
by Jeeper
That is cool, but next time please post a .love file.
In order to make a .love file all you have to do is to zip the root of your folder and change the ending from .zip to .love. You zipped the folder itself, you have to go into that folder and zip everything inside it.
Re: stupid game
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:31 am
by zenith
game menu with QUADS
esc while in game returns to menu
Re: stupid game
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:28 pm
by zenith
Do i understand this correctly?
to make player sprite rotate by following mouse cursor we need
1) get the angle a between imaginary lines AB and AC where
AB - player.x, player.y, mouse.x, mouse.y
AC - player.x, player.y, window.width, player.y
2) rotate sprite to this amount of degrees
3) return to 1)
- piediagram.png (10.35 KiB) Viewed 8403 times
so, i have no idea how to make this in love. can anyone help me?
Re: stupid game
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:40 pm
by micha
Let's say the player coordinates are p.x and p.y and the mouse has coordinates m.x and m.y. To get the angle you do this:
Code: Select all
angle = math.atan2(m.y-p.y,m.x-p.x)
Then you can insert this into the drawing function as the next parameters:
Code: Select all,p.x,p.y,angle)
Note that the image is rotated around the upper left corner. To make it rotate around the center point you can set the origin-coordinates within the image (ox and oy, should be half of image height and width.):
Code: Select all,p.x,p.y,angle,1,1,ox,oy)
Re: stupid game
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:43 pm
by zenith
minor irrelevant tweaks such as
crosshair toggle (q key)
super unrealistic laser sight
half-assed version control
clip, rounds fired counter, reloading (r key)
player rotates (thanks to
to do
help needed with theese, as always
bullets trajectory formulas, i'm completely stuck (they should fly on the player sight direction, obviously)
sounds playing in a very strange way
timer thing (player cannot fire while reloading)
stupdgame (669 KB)
thanks to
micha, trigonometry rules
Re: stupid game
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:26 pm
by micha
zenith wrote:
1) bullets trajectory formulas, i'm completely stuck (they should fly on the player sight direction, obviously)
Once you have the angle, this is straight forward. When you fire, you assign an x- and y-velocity to each bullet according to:
Code: Select all
vx = math.cos(angle) * velocity
vy = math.sin(angle) * velocity
"velocity" is the (scalar) speed of the bullet in pixels per second.
And then of course in the update you apply the velocity by this:
Code: Select all
bullet.x = bullet.x + bullet.vx * dt
bullet.y = bullet.y + bullet.vy * dt
for each bullet.
Re: stupid game
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:45 pm
by zenith
side quest: this math.atan2 thing drove me mad and i tried to remember all trigonometry stuff from school (which is quite impossible) and wrote myself a problem
write a program which:
1) draws a circle
2) divide it with lines to given amount of sectors
Code: Select all
origin = {}
origin.x = 150
origin.y = 150
function love.draw()
--fancy stuff, 150), 150, 300, 150), origin.y, mx, my)
graph(5, 80) -- divide the circle with radius 80 px 5 times
function graph(sections, length) "line", origin.x, origin.x, length)
currentAng = 0 -- starting from the begining
nextAng = 360/sections -- get the apropriate angle
currentSection = 0
while currentSection < sections do, origin.y, origin.x + length*math.cos(currentAng), origin.y + length*math.sin(currentAng))
currentSection = currentSection + 1
currentAng = currentAng + nextAng
something is wrong
micha, trying to adjust the origin of bullets, works fine besides
Re: stupid game
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:25 am
by micha
zenith wrote:something is wrong
Keep in mind that angles are stored in radiant not in degrees. The full circle has 2*pi radiant. To convert from degrees to radiant you divide by 180 and multiply by pi. And vice versa.
Besides that I'd rather make a for-loop to make those circle-segments:
Code: Select all
for i=1,nSegments do
local thisAngle = 2*math.pi*(i/nSegments),origin.y,origin.x+math.cos(thisAngle)*length,origin.y+math.sin(thisAngle)*length)
Re: stupid game
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:01 am
by zenith
some gui
bullets are now SHOWING
there is actually some gameplay now
sounds works normally (TEsound library)
assets are sorted to folders
bullet start point still not defined properly
sometimes collision detection don't detect collision
to do:
add animation for target moving
add timer-based events (reloading process display, make impossible to shoot while reloading, round duration)
everything else
stupdgame (681 KB)
thanks to
micha one more time!