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Pong in 8 hours (SP & MP)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:13 pm
by Jack5500
Hello community,

This project was a challenge for me. My goal was cloning pong with sp & mp in under 10 hours. That seems not very much, but since I had nearly no Lua knowledge I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome of this experiment. Okay let's come to the feature list:
  • - Singleplayer against a Bot
    - Multiplayer with W-S and UP-DOWN controls
    - Score system
    - Menu system with stateful.lua
    - PNG-based paddels and ball

Well, that's it, pretty much. Please fell free to judge the outcome and the code if you want.
Regards, Jan

Re: Pong in 8 hours (SP & MP)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:35 pm
by MarekkPie
/cough You call it Tetris in game.

Looks very nice. I like the crumbled paper background. The rebounding seems a bit weird, as it mainly reverses the balls x-direction and y-direction on contact, only rarely doing the proper x-direction redirect while keeping the y-direction the same.

Re: Pong in 8 hours (SP & MP)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:40 pm
by Jack5500
Ok fixed that :o:
The rebounding is handled via a random variables that decides if the ball rebounds up or down. It seems the easiest way to handle that.

Re: Pong in 8 hours (SP & MP)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:46 pm
by coffee
I'm feeling dislexic. Pong, Tetris, Pongtris, Tetong...
Please, could you not reset pads position when the goal is scored? Or give instead some pause time to player get ready before ball starts again. The rest seems working ok and well. Nice joystick icon.But since it's Pong would be awesome you could get an original Pong spin paddle. :)

EDITED: I suggest a minor separation in score digits... 0|0, 0-0 or 0 0. Or give a distinct color to each score.

Re: Pong in 8 hours (SP & MP)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:51 pm
by Jack5500
Thanks for the suggestion. Changed it immediately :)