release notes 2009-06-26
- add sprite component
- add example to handle the sprite
know issue with the examples - in a random order some examples crash
release notes
- fixed the gradient fill of the stars
- fixed the solid color fill of the stars
know issue of not dragging polygons, must check on onDragging from Rectangle
- rectangle
- button component
- text component with multilanguage support (en_US pt_BR)
- text edit with multilanguage keyboard support (en_US pt_BR)
- polygon triangle
- regular polygon more than 4 sides
- star with 5 or more points
- sprite
- fill control
- border control
- transparent components
- draggable components
- mouse events : onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, onMousePressed, onMouseReleased
- group of components
- save the current x,y of the components ina .lua file - this is cool
- horizontal and vertical gradient fill of any component
- set of NMSColors
- polygon calculation (roundbox)
- 17 examples of code
next steps
- add text input with fixed width / height
. scroll box
- add show/hide feature
. fadeIn/fadeOut
- create the dialog concept
. enhance the scene to have relative coordinates and use this as dialog
. create simple dialogs as :
. alert
. confirm
- list
- start to record small tutorial
- create a talk ballon component,
would be a text with a border
+ a little triangle at the bottom,
os just 2 lines for the borders anda fill of a triangle to connect to the text area .. =)
- volume component (like the video player)
- add Link in text
= define startLinkChar and endLinkChar, default [ and ]
. format the link with a different color and different cursor when mouse over and add the possible events
. onMouseOver
. onClick
. onMouseOut
- checkbox
- radio button