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The Best Tutorial

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:56 pm
by Nah-Trowen
I'm creating a Lua and Love2d Tutorial for beginners. I want everyone's opinion on what the Tutorials should consist of. For example how much Lua should I teach before moving on to Love2d, In what order should I teach. I what these to be as easy to understand as possible, even without programming knowledge or experience.

Re: The Best Tutorial

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:47 pm
by raidho36
>blah blah blah uuuhhhh blah blah eerr blah blah err uuhhh ... ... ... uummm blah blah blah download lua blah blah uuh eehh hello world uuhh blah blah

Yeah 99% of the video tutorials are suffering from that. Nothing special. A simle PiL would do better.

Re: The Best Tutorial

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:01 pm
by veethree
Make sure you know enough about lua and love before you start teaching it. Once you've established that you know enough, Make proper tutorials where you explain the code and what it does and why it does that etc. Don't just say "Type this here and this happens".

Re: The Best Tutorial

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:02 am
by DaedalusYoung
Think about each tutorial before you start. Make a full lesson plan, be prepared. If you're doing video tutorials, make sure you have good equipment, don't breathe in the microphone, redo things if you messed something up. And always be enthusiastic. Everybody's seen videos of someone talking as bored as can be, skipping over things, showing random blobs of code. This will teach you nothing.

When you give examples, make them count. For example, if you're teaching about functions, show a decent function and why it is better to use said function. Don't do this:

Code: Select all

x = addition(2, 5) -- result 7

function addition(a, b)
  c = a + b
  return c
Because you'll have everyone thinking "well, why don't I just do x = 2 + 5". You would never see this function in an actual script, so do not give it as an example.

And finally, I've been thinking about doing tutorials too, but there's some things in the language I don't really understand yet (mainly due to bad examples), so I'm not doing anything yet, but what I was planning was to give out pieces of code for each lesson, put an error or omission or conundrum in that code and let the viewer sort this out themselves. Think about school, you get something explained and then you get questions about it. You should have that in tutorials too, as it tracks the viewer's progress and ensures they understand what you just taught them.

Re: The Best Tutorial

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:00 am
by Qcode
DaedalusYoung wrote:What I was planning was to give out pieces of code for each lesson, put an error or omission or conundrum in that code and let the viewer sort this out themselves. Think about school, you get something explained and then you get questions about it. You should have that in tutorials too, as it tracks the viewer's progress and ensures they understand what you just taught them.
That sounds like a great idea. There are lots of people who come in the support and development forum coming from video tutorials saying "how do I do this", because they're learning how to do specific things, but not how to apply those concepts. What you said sounds like a great way to solve that problem.