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Some Newbie Assitance, Please

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:43 pm
by Evil Telephone
Greetings! I have searched and searched the documentation, wiki, and forum and I'm not able to find an answer to my question.

How do I make a .love file out of my program? I have a main.lua and game.conf. I can drag-n-drop the folder into LOVE and run my program, which is fantastic, but I'd like to make a .love file out of it too. I figure this must be something very simple and I'm just missing it. Thank you for any guidance you can provide.

On an unrelated note:

LOVE in general seems very robust, especially since it appears to be a relatively young project. I've been genuinely impressed with it so far. Considering its still-in-development status, is there a list of known bugs and issues I should be aware of while I develop with LOVE? I haven't run into anything yet, but I'd love to be more informed.

Thanks again, everyone. I'm so happy I've discovered LOVE. What fun!

Re: Some Newbie Assitance, Please

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:51 pm
by rude
Yeah ... young project ... Which is why there is no bugtracker. Yet. There is a list, but that's the internal development wiki not meant for mortal eyes.

The .love files: just zip all files (main.lua at the root of the zip) and rename the archive. Guess I'll add a doc page about this.

Re: Some Newbie Assitance, Please

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:58 pm
by Evil Telephone
Thank you. I appreciate the quick response.