Hi, I just found out about LÖVE from Daring Fireball. Lua is my favorite programming language, so to find a project like this really made my day, especially given that it has a Mac version. I've started messing around with it and it's a lot of fun!
That said, converting folders to archives and renaming them gets tiresome. So I wrote an Automator app to do it for me. I just put the application in my dock, and when I want to run a project, I just drag the folder onto the icon and it creates a .love file. It's a lot faster than manually zipping and renaming, plus you can drag multiple folders and create a .love file for each one.
It probably only works on Leopard, I don't have a Tiger machine to test it on.
Anyway, you can download it at http://www.meltsner.com/random/loveMaker.zip - I hope those of you on Macs like it!
loveMaker for Leopard
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Re: loveMaker for Leopard
LÖVE should be able to understand folders too. Does it not work in MacOSX?
Re: loveMaker for Leopard
The D&D of a folder over the LÖVe application doesn't work, but you can add a .love extension to the folder name, to make it runable
Re: loveMaker for Leopard
You can actually drag a folder onto love, hold down command+option while dragging, this is the shortcut to force an application to open any file.
Should be able to make love accept folders by default, iTunes can do this and its something to do with CFBundleTypeOSTypes in the plist
Should be able to make love accept folders by default, iTunes can do this and its something to do with CFBundleTypeOSTypes in the plist
Re: loveMaker for Leopard
Huh. That's a neat trick, I didn't know that. That's really useful, though.neue wrote:You can actually drag a folder onto love, hold down command+option while dragging, this is the shortcut to force an application to open any file.
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