Optional arguments in the API
Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:25 am
Seeking how i could get the currently played notes and instruments in a soundtrack module, i've landed on this page:
It seems a bit high-level for what i want to get, but i've noticed that the argument is optional (i was reading source at the same time).
Or may be we should understand that the string in parenthesis is used by default ?
TimeUnit unit ("seconds")
The type of unit for the return value.
See you.
Seeking how i could get the currently played notes and instruments in a soundtrack module, i've landed on this page:
It seems a bit high-level for what i want to get, but i've noticed that the argument is optional (i was reading source at the same time).
Code: Select all
int w_Source_tell(lua_State *L)
Source *t = luax_checksource(L, 1);
const char *unit = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "seconds");
Source::Unit u;
t->getConstant(unit, u);
lua_pushnumber(L, t->tell(u));
return 1;
TimeUnit unit ("seconds")
The type of unit for the return value.
See you.